CHAPTER 23: The Worst Is Yet To Come

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I was trying everything in my power to stay strong for Charlize and reassure her everything was going to be okay and that she had nothing to worry about, but it was hard because I myself was worried.

How could I not be? This was a huge deal and at the rate that the council has been going lately, makes it real hard to completely trust them.

After waking up this morning, we next got our backpacks and started following the map towards the location the weapon supposedly was at.

Once we had gotten to the spot, I began digging through the ground and laying a few feet underneath the soil was a cloth that seemed to have dried up blood stains on it and as soon as I reached my hand in there to grab it, I felt whatever the cloth was wrapped around.

After pulling it out, both Charlize and I looked at each other before I started removing the cloth corner by corner until laying in the palm of my hand was a silver and red stained cast iron made dagger looking weapon but the blade had not just dried up blood, but also had everything you could ever need to kill a Hybrid such as this one. It had a horrid scent that made us gag and caused me to quickly cover it up before I next packed it up and we started heading back to the house.

Hopefully the Elders can help us figure this out because as of right now, her and I are clueless as to what this thing is exactly and how it's supposed to kill it.

After making our way back, we contacted the Elders and asked for them to come over as soon as they could. Of course they didn't get back to us right away so we just waited.

Then a couple of days later, I had Charlize come along with me on a few of my Alpha duties. Which I know usually the Luna's don't go on many Alpha errands usually because technically they aren't supposed to. However, for a couple of reasons, I wanted to take her with me. One of them being the fact she needed to get out of the house and I thought this way too I could protect her more and two because we are trying to change a few of the old 'traditions' as far as the Luna's mostly staying home with the kids and does all the cooking. I mean I can always come and tell her about several things but that still doesn't  sound right, to me at least.

She was real excited to be going with me too and I was real happy.

I am beyond in love with this woman I swear.

After we were finished with all the duties/errands for the day, we started making our way back towards the house and after walking inside, we both stopped as we got to the living room and saw the head Elder along with the rest of the Elders now standing and greeting us both with a bow as we do one to them in return.

"Elders." I greet them. "How long have you been waiting here?" I asked.

"Not very long. We have come to speak to you with recent news about what we discovered." The head Elder speaks.

"Alright, let's head into the office." I suggest as we all make our way inside.

Lesley comes running into the house from the back after finally catching up and apologizes while heading into the office behind us and closing the door.

I had the head Elder take a seat in the chair behind the desk while the rest of us either stood or sat down.

"First of all, I wanted to discuss the matter of rumors going around about your Luna." The head Elder says while looking at Charlize. "I want to ensure to you both that we never thought it was you who killed Alpha Mort. Though you had pretty good reason." He says before him and the other Elders smirked.

"So, she's no longer a suspect?" I asked to make sure I knew what he meant.

"No and she never was. At least not to us." He smiles at us both. 

I look at Charlize as she looks at me and smiles in relief.

"Alright then." I replied.

"In fact, when looking at the evidence and the body of the way Mort was killed, or shall we say what was left of him. It seems to have been an attack that only one can do...... Horrace. He left his symbol or calling card as some might say." He tells us.

"And what is that?" Charlize asks as none of us have ever heard of him leaving one.

"Well, we hadn't realized he had one neither. It's an ancient symbol that from afar looks like just random lines but when you look past that and take a real good look at it, that's when you can see that the lines make a circle and within that circle is the shape of one half man and half wolf howling at the moon as the moon drips. Which according to the story, it represents blood and darkness." He explains.

There is an awkward silence being shared at the moment between all of us, but what really has us worried is the fact that the symbol is talking about, I remember hearing that story when I was a rogue. It is almost impossible to defeat this type of thing. Whatever form it shapes itself to, it also collects their energy and their abilities.

This is gonna be far from as easy as I had thought. Not that I thought it would be easy but, I can't help but feel like the creature had something to do with trying to frame Charlize also.

While on the way out, the head Elder turns to look at her and I.

"Oh I almost forgot, did you find the weapon?" He asked.

"Yes. But we have no idea in how to even use or what it is exactly." I confessed.

"I will contact you in a couple of days with more information on it. There's only one person I know who is still alive that knows what to do." He smiles and then continues leaving.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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