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I was free! At last I was free! I rejected him as he had rejected me and would now be mate less but I didn't care. For the first time in my life, I was finally free !

Not just from him of course, but my family and I didn't care if that made me a rogue neither. Anything was better than before. 

Penelope started speaking with me again after I finally had the courage to reject Mort.

Now we were headed towards England where the Elders and all of them are because Taragon informed me that what he just did, could cost all of us. Not just from being banned but could mean possible confinement.

The plane ride was long and boring but I was still just in utter shock and filled with so much happiness was feeling like that I didn't care.

After landing, we ended up all heading towards a hotel that looked luxurious and after checking in, we got a couple of rooms and were able to get rooms next door to each other.

I couldn't believe still that the majority of Mort's pack left and these guys are the best ones he all had.

After getting in, I start taking a look around the room and notice there's only one bed.

"Sorry, this was all I could afford right now." I heard Taragon say as he closed the door behind him. "And I already told the guys that tomorrow morning we'll try and go see the Elders to speak with them about what happened." He says.

I just nod my head in agreement and then my stupid stomach starts making a lot of noise. Which makes him laugh.

"I'm starving too." He laughs a little bit.

"Can we order some room service please? I promise I won't order a lot. And I'll pay you back as soon as I can." I assure him.

"Well I personally was thinking of ordering everything off the menu since it isn't a huge one in the first place and then maybe we can order a movie or something and relax." He winks at me.

"Okay." I smile. "I'm gonna take a shower real quick though."

"Alright." He smiles at me while walking to the phone and ordering.

After grabbing my PJ's, I went into the bathroom and took a shower.

I felt disgusted. I felt as though I couldn't scrub off enough of this filth I felt that was from Mort. I began to silently cry to myself so that Taragon couldn't hear me.

The cry however, didn't last too long as the feeling I got that swept that fear, pain and sadness away was happiness.

Taragon had saved me. He gave up so much and risked so much to do that. He easily could have left along with the other guys and left me there but he didn't. I owe my life to him.

Which that reminded me. I began looking down at my wrist where I had cut myself and immediately felt regret. If I had known I was going to be saved, I never would have done it. But it seemed at the time like all hope was lost.

I didn't hurt just me though, I hurt Penelope as well. Even though I know I didn't do it too deep to where I bled too much and know that as a wolf I will heal, there will be a big scar. Though when I look at it, it'll remind me of when I almost gave up and died, but mostly, be a reminder of how I was also saved.

Penelope said she forgave me and that she was sorry for leaving me ever and we made up.

Although I have hope, I still am a little scared that when we see the Elders and explain what happened, I fear they will side with Mort since his family is very high in the council and to all wolves.

I may not come from a family that is well respected and may not have enough money or enough of a reputation to win over the Elders, but what I do know is that I deserve to be heard and taken in consideration for the destruction Mort has caused and done to others, not just myself but his pack as well.

When I walk out of the bathroom, I see that the food had come and there are two tables all set up covered with plates of food and drinks, including desserts as well while I notice Taragon is removing the lids off the plates.

"Looks good." I smile.

"Good. Let's dig in then." He laughs.

We sit and eat as we order a movie of my choice and after getting full, we lay and cuddle on the bed until we both fall asleep. Now, I'm not sure if this means we are just friends or if he wants something more, but I am going to enjoy this while I can.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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