CHAPTER 12: Tomorrow Will Be Interesting

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We all stood there looking at this guy and his buddies that were standing beside him. It was almost as though he was the leader of a pack or something although I had a feeling they were rogues.

"Hey man. Long time no see." The stranger says to Taragon who stands there expressionless without moving or saying nothing back yet.

"Lesley." Taragon says.

They stand there a little longer while we are all confused as to what the hell is going on until we start to hear the guys all laugh. Including both this stranger, whose name I heard just now was Lesley, his guys and Taragon's were all laughing then suddenly giving each other a bro hug. Meanwhile, I was still confused.

"It's good see you finally leave that asshole's pack." Lesley tells Targaon.

"Yeah. Can you believe the council named me an Alpha?" Taragon asks.

"Yeah. I always knew you'd be a great Alpha. You were never meant to be Beta." He tells him. Lesley then looks at me. "So this is your mate?"

"Yeah." Taragon looks back at me and smiles then holds out his arm for me to go into as he wraps it around me.

"Hi, I'm Charlize." I hold out my hand.

"It's nice to meet you." Lesley smiles at me.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Taragon asks.

"Word got around about you leaving Mort's pack and becoming a new Alpha for a pack that hasn't been in use for a very long time. One of the best there ever was." He says.

"That's right. You want to join the pack? Leave the rogue life behind? I sure as hell don't regret it." Taragon says.

"We were thinking about it. We don't mind being at the bottom to start." Lesley suggests.

"Hell no. You guys nor these guys are gonna do that. In fact, we were just talking about holding tryouts, if you will, to being in the pack. We can determine positions that way." Taragon says.

"Alright. That's cool. When are they?" 

"Tomorrow. I've already got one of the already Omega's out spreading the word."

"That's cool. We're down." Lesley says.

"Well hey, do you guys have a place to stay?" Taragon asks.

"Uh, yeah. There's actually a hotel not too far from here we were gonna stay at." Lesley mentions.

"Why not stay here? There's more than enough rooms in this big old place." I suggested.

Everybody looks at me including Taragon and he looks both surprised and yet smiles a little bit at me.

"Thank you." He smiles.

"Hell yeah! Be like old times!" One of Taragon's guys from the pack says.

"Yeah, of course." Taragon replies before looking back at me.

"Well are you guys hungry too? We can order some food or I can cook something." I offer.

"Baby not tonight, we'll order stuff. That way we can relax and hang out." Taragon tells me.

"Okay." I smile at him and we kiss.

"Awwww....." All the guys coo at us.

"Oh shut up guys." Taragon says.

"Hey man, we're just happy you got another mate. You deserve it." He says.

"Thanks." Taragon and I smile at each other again before we all start showing them their rooms and around the house before I order us a bunch of food.

Getting to know all the rogues and friends that Taragon knew was in a way like getting to know another part of him of his past and was seeing him really happy. Not that he wasn't necessarily happy before, but just something I guess about reuniting with old friends can change your mood a bit.

For most of the night until really late, we all sat around, talked, ate and I couldn't help but think of how cute and great this was all at once because it looked like an all boys sleep over.

Though it was beginning to get late for me so I began heading upstairs and then soon after, I saw Taragon come walking in.

"Hey, you can stay and hang out some more down there." I tell him.

"Nah, they are going to bed. They came from really far." He says. "Besides, there's a big day tomorrow." He winks and gets down into his boxers and gets underneath the covers with me.

"Thank you." He says before kissing me.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"For letting them stay with us." He says.

"Of course." I smile back at him and kiss him.

"I love you." He tells me as he begins to close his eyes.

"I love you too." I tell him.

We both start falling asleep and he is right about tomorrow, it's going to be a very big day but also, interesting to me, to watch him and the rest of them train and have some tryout. I have never seen that and was interested in what it would take to be in this pack.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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