EPILOGUE: A Few Months Later

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Tonight was the night of the ball and also the night both Taragon and I were to be announced officially as mates to everyone. Although everybody already has heard about us from what happened between Horrace a few months ago, but this for sure makes it official to everyone and is tradition. In fact, it's just as much important as your wedding day. 

After making my full recovery and having all my strength back, I needed to immediately start looking for a dress for tonight's ball and was able to find one. Of course being the curvy person I am, I needed to make sure I found one that was perfect.

I had my hair and makeup done as well. My hair was pinned halfway up with volume and loose curls, along with my make up matching my dress with a smokey eye.

I felt nervous a little bit, but in a good way and plus, I got the reaction I had hoped for. Taragon took one look and never took his eyes off me as I came down the stairs not breaking eye contact with him neither.

Beta had to elbow him to take him out of his daze and complimented me.

When in the car on our way over, he mind linked me the whole time telling me in how badly he wanted to take me and be late for the party.

As flattered as I was and turned on, I told him I did not want us to give that impression to others.

After we arrived and made our way inside, I was immediately taken in by the chandelier that was centuries old and the floor was a polished shiny platform of marble that would be scuffed up from every ones shoes by the end of the night. The walls made the lighting bounce off of it perfectly, with paintings that you knew were from other councilmen dating all the way back to the first of our kinds. Then the tables were set up so nice and fancy with candles placed in the middle of each table as they were set around in a circle that still left enough room for a dance floor and then the beautiful dark oak wooden staircase that let up to the bedrooms and many other things.

I felt like we we were in a castle, except we weren't. Just a huge mansion that is owned by the Head Elder and is actually not where he lives but where he holds these events every year.

We make our way through the sea of people, talking, laughing and all around having a great time. It was nice meeting people I have heard of before but never thought I'd ever meet.

Taragon never left my side the entire night and both him and I a few times got jealous as some girls were hitting on him and some guys were gawking at me.

Then finally, it came time to make the announcement as we all stopped what we were doing after we heard the Head Elder standing on the mid steps so that everyone could see him.

"May I have your attention!" He says.

We all look up at him and I start to get butterflies in my stomach and then Taragon gives me a kiss and says he will be right back.

"Wait, he's gonna announce us." I tell him.

"I'll be there when he does." He smiles and winks at me.

I was upset but at the same time, I don't want him to pee his pants if that's what he's doing. Then of course, just as I had dreaded, he called us up.

"Please, will you and Taragon please come up." He smiles while looking at me and I'm upset and feel a little embarrassed as it's just me walking through the crowd nervous and a little embarrassed because we should be walking up together.

I then lift up the bottom of my dress a little as I begin making my way up the stairs. Then once I stand next to him and face everyone, I start looking through the crowd for Taragon and don't see him. I swear if he...

"Before I make the announcement that we all have been waiting for..." He begins. "We have another announcement." He says as he turns and looks at me.

He next looks down the stairs and there I see Taragon walking up towards me and stops two steps down and kneels on one knee.

"Oh my god." I say under my breath.

"Charlize, rather we were brought together by fate, The Moon Goddess, whatever it is, even by chance, I am so lucky to have found you. To have been given the opportunity to be with someone like you. I have loved you since the first moment I met you. You put others before yourself, you would risk everything for anyone, even your own happiness. You have a huge heart that I know I can love and take care of. So, Charlize, will you do me the honor, making me the happiest Alpha in the world and be my wife?" He asks.

I can't believe he is doing this now and I can't believe I didn't wear waterproof mascara as I feel the tears fall down my face.

"Hell yes." I say covering my mouth not meaning to ever say that and then everyone just laughs.

He smiles real big and I can tell he has tears in his eyes as he gets closer and places the ring on my finger then kisses me.

"There you have it everyone. It is my honor to announce to you all the Alpha and Luna of the  Black Stone Wolf pack!" He finishes.

Everyone cheered, shouted, whistled in excitement and congratulated us after we came down the stairs and hugged while also shaking peoples hands.

This is a moment that I will never forget. Now as we danced with each other looking at one another as if we are the only two people in the room, I can't believe, I am the Alpha's mate. The sexiest Alpha out there too.

                              The End

By the way, here is the dress she wore

Well guys, that's it for this one and there will be no sequel

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Well guys, that's it for this one and there will be no sequel. Also, I have a couple pf other ones that I will be posting for tomorrow and one already I posted for called 'My Enemy's Sister'. I will make an announcement as soon as the other two are posted. :);)  Hope you enjoyed this one and the many more stories to come. :);)

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