CHAPTER 10: Mates

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After returning back to the hotel, we all celebrated and went out to eat before heading up to our rooms for the last night, since the Elders mentioned that they had a place they could give us to stay in that would be ours but that we couldn't move in until tomorrow.

Once we got into the room, it was the first time him and I had been alone since the announcements earlier and for some reason, right now we both seemed to be a little nervous and started to share an awkward moment of silence between one another.

"Well, congratulations on becoming Alpha." I say nervously.

"Thanks." He smiles at me.

I look down at my hands as I pull a little at my clothes, fidgeting a little bit while feeling his eyes are on me.

A moment later, I could tell he was walking closer to me but was nervous to look up at him. Maybe he wasn't too happy that he was my mate. I don't blame him.

Then I felt him lift my chin up to look at him before caressing the side of my face.

"Well we are each other's mates." He says.

"Yeah." I half smile and half bite my lower lip nervously.

"Hey, I know that you just went through what you did with Mort. Even though we are mates, I don't want you to feel like you have to rush into this. I'll wait forever if I have to." He tells me and my heart melts.

"I want you. I wanted you to be my mate all along. And now, I want you to make me yours." I tell him.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yes." I smile and nod.

He smiles before bending his head down close to mine and gently starts kissing me on the lips as I kiss him back. My arms snake around his neck while his do the same around my waist.

Next we start removing each other's clothes at a good steady pace and leaving them on the floor. Then he gently lays me down onto the bed and gets on top of me while not breaking eye contact.

He looks at my wrist where I had cut myself recently and where we placed a bandage over earlier. He then looked at me again and brought my wrist up to his lips where he placed gentle kisses on there before looking into my eyes again.

"Please don't hurt yourself again." He says to me with so much plead in his eyes.

"I promise." I nod my head in reply.

He smiles again while lowering his head down onto my breasts and gives each one the same amount of attention, one at a time.

Next he bends all the way down to grab his pants and pulls out a condom. Then he tears open the pack with his teeth and rolls it on before positioning himself in between my legs again and right as I feel his tip at my entrance, he stops himself.

"I'll go slow and if you want me to stop, tell me okay?" He asks.

"Okay." I agree.

He leans his head forward again and starts to kiss me right as I feel him slowly slide himself inside of me inch by inch until he gets all the way in making me gasp from the pain.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah. Don't stop." I tell him.

He starts to move in and out in between my wet folds slowly. For a while it does hurt but then the pain subsides after a bit and then it just begins feeling beyond amazing and pleasurable.

"You're so tight." He says against my lips after kissing me.

"Mmm....go faster." I moan.

"Are you sure?" He asks me.

"Yes. Please." I tell him.

He begins to thrust inside of me deeper, harder and faster while both of us moan in pleasure. Then as I feel myself getting close to climaxing I moan loudly for him to mark me.

"Mmm....fuck." He moans before I feel him start to place kisses on my sensitive spot before I next feel his razor sharp canines go deep into my skin having me gasp in pain but that too quickly subsides and disappears.

While he starts to lick my wounds, I then mark him and he growls a little bit but then it subsides and he next starts going faster and harder inside of me.

Then when it came time for us both, we came at the same time as I came all over his cock and he came all inside of the condom. It was amazing.

Then afterwards, we cuddled with each other and then I decided to ask him something I have been curious about.

"Taragon?" I ask.

"Hmm?" He replies.

"What happened to your first mate?" I ask him.

He doesn't say anything for a moment before letting out a sigh and starts telling me.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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