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I'm not sure what made me want to, but I just couldn't stand her being alone when it's her first night here and she's alone without her mate.

She claimed she had a nightmare but from the screaming, it sounded more like a night terror, so I comforted her.

I swear this makes me more pissed off because while Mort is being an asshole and cheating on her, I'm having to take care of his mate for him. I swear. I don't see how HE deserves a mate. Especially as good as her.

We both ended up falling asleep in each other's arms and when I woke up this morning and noticed she was in my arms asleep, I rubbed my eyes to wake up some more and realized I had better get up.

So I slowly tried to get up and leave the room without waking her up and was successful as I began walking downstairs where all the guys were sitting at the table, eating some food that Delta Orion, cooked for us all.

"Good morning." I greeted everyone before grabbing some coffee and taking a seat at the table.

Not a moment later did we all hear Charlize greeting us with a 'good morning'.

We bowed our heads before she took a seat next to me. As much as I enjoyed it, I can't let her think it's okay to do that. So I tell her that her seat is over at the other end.

All the guys look at me as if that was really rude. Which it was but I can't have her thinking that last night means anything. Alpha would have my head. So starting today, I need to act like an asshole.

The smile she gave me had faded after I told her to sit in her seat and we all had breakfast in silence. Well, after I mind linked all the guys that it's for the best I treat her like I do.

About a couple of hours after we all got done with breakfast, Alpha Mort came home.

I wasn't worried so much of getting into trouble about me comforting and holding his mate because even though he doesn't want her, touching someone's mate is still always a no no. But she told me that she wouldn't say anything.

Do I feel terrible that I am treating her this way? Yes. Because we both know I can't defy my Alpha no matter how wrong he is or how badly he treats her.

All of us were waiting downstairs when he had asked where Charlize was. I told him upstairs and not a couple of moments later did I hear him yelling and her screaming. I knew he hit her as we all flinched every time we heard something hit the floor or wall.

I couldn't stand it though. So I began heading up to the bedroom and knocked on the door.

"Who the hell is it?!" He yells.

"It's Targaon. We need to go." I tell him as I try to hold in my disgust and hatred for him.  Then I hear his muffles voice tell her something.

"I swear if you leave this room or try to run, you'll regret it." He threatens her.

When she replied, the pain and fear you heard in her voice was heartbreaking and made me more furious.

He quickly opened up the door and I got a glimpse of her and saw the room had been half destroyed while she was curled up in the corner, shaking.

"Let's go." I scowl at him.

We all start to leave and head towards the other guys that protect the perimeter to get any updates and to do our usual rounds.

While walking, I don't know why but I just had the need to ask him.

"So what's the deal with your mate?" I asked.

"What about her?" He asks.

"I just wanted to know why you haven't rejected her yet?"

"What the hell is it to you what I do with my mate?" He snaps at me.

"I don't. But if she's gonna be our Luna, then shouldn't you help her learn what all she has to do? And if not, why can't you reject her?" I asked.

"Because of my parents and hers. We are stuck with each other and if I reject her, all my title, money and everything goes away and I am not about to let that happen!" He says. "Besides, my parents only care about carrying out the family name. So she can at least be good at breeding."

I swear I wanted to beat the shit out of him.

"Don't you think you should give her a chance? Maybe she's not so bad." Oh my god what the hell am I saying and doing? 

"Mind your own fucking business!" He snaps at me.

"Alright man, relax." I tell him, dropping the subject.

He is so sick. I don't know how much longer I can stand this. Though again it's not my place or choice.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Sorry it's been a couple of days since I posted, busy at work but luckily is starting to die down. Lol.

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