CHAPTER 7: Everything Will Be Alright!

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FUCK!! Why did I just now leave her? Why the hell HAVE I been leaving her?

She may not be MY mate but she sure as hell doesn't deserve to be with Mort neither. I can't leave her or keep treating her the way that I have been.

Shit, I can't even let Mort do what he's doing to her. I swear that if the Elders only knew what he was doing.

I need to speak with both of them and especially The Moon Goddess.

Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by the screaming of her and I lost it this time. Fuck him! Everyone in the pack hates him anyways and I sure as hell am NOT going to allow this to go on any further. So I sprinted out my bedroom and into her room where I saw she was passed out and her towel was off with Mort on top of her, trying to unbuckle his pants.

He growled at me to get out but before anything else, I quickly yanked him off of her and threw him flying in the air, hitting the wall really hard and causing a huge hole in it.

He quickly got up and scowled at me.

"You have some nerve fucking coming in here and doing that." He says as we begin circling each other.

"YOU have some nerve to doing this with your mate." I tell him.

"It's none of your business, BETA!" He says through a clenched jaw.

"Oh but it is. As Beta, I am supposed to help remind you about the laws and to tell you when you're being an asshole. The pathetic part is, you're so much of an asshole that you see nothing wrong with it." I tell him.

"And what are you gonna do huh?" He asks. "She's still my mate." He grins.

"Yeah only because after you rejected her, she hasn't rejected you because she has been too scared." I tell him. "A man that hits a woman is a pussy to me." I smile in satisfaction.

He lunges at me and we begin rolling around throwing punches in between and practically breaking almost everything in the room.

All the pack has already come up here by now and start to try and pull us apart but it doesn't work. Not until I see Mort finally collapse.

There standing behind him was Charlize as she held a heavy object in her hand and the cloth was now off of her wrist along with her left side of her face was all red and had some blood coming out from her mouth as she had her towel wrapped around her.

I looked at her and then down at him. Then just to make sure, I kneel down to check to see if he was dead since there was blood coming out from the back of his head where she had just hit him at.

After feeling a pulse, unfortunately, I quickly stood up and told her, "Get dressed, we are leaving tonight."

She looked at me with tears of relief, sadness but mostly happiness as she nodded her head in agreement while me and the guys left.

While I packed up a bag and then grabbed hers and her hand, though not before I heard her say before leaving, she rejected him. Which was great. Now she'd be officially free. We then started heading downstairs when I saw the guys standing in a long line, blocking the door. I quickly moved her behind me.

"We are leaving tonight. If you wish to try and stop us, it'll be your funeral." I warn them.

They look at each other then look back at me and go from scowling to smiling. Then Delta Origan steps forward.

"Yeah, we're coming with you. We have had enough of Alpha Mort and we only stayed because of you. We always thought you'd make a better Alpha anyways." He says.

All the guys nod their heads in agreement before I notice them all grabbing their bags behind them on the ground and we all begin to leave in the three cars that are ours anyways.

It was gonna be a long drive where I planned for us to go and then a long flight at that, but it had to be done. I will NEVER let anyone, including Mort, ever come near her again. And I will NEVER leave her alone again neither.

I could be punished for defying my Alpha but I had to and if this makes us all rogues now, well then so be it. Because it isn't like all rogues are bad. Besides, it wouldn't matter anyways, just as long as I had Charlize right there by my side then everything I knew was going to be alright.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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