CHAPTER 27: The Councils

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I was waiting impatiently for the Elders to come quickly, soon after she was taken. While pacing back and forth, everyone seemed to be nervous and a little worried but could tell they were feeling that way because of me.

"It's not your fault." My Delta states.

"Yes it is. I can't believe I couldn't tell between one of the best friends I ever had and Horrace." I tell him.

"It's alright. He's good like that. But I know he won't hurt her. I know she'll be okay. She'a a fighter and learned from the best." He smirks at me.

I knew he was being genuine but also I knew he was trying to cheer me up and make me feel better at the same time and it was working.

I smiled at him and stopped pacing back and forth.

"You should have been my Beta." I tell him.

Then it hit me. That's a good idea actually.

"Ha!" He says.

"I'm serious. You should be Beta." I tell him.

"Are you serious?" He asks.

"Dead serious." I tell him.

"Wow. Thanks. I'd be honored." He smiles.

We next heard a loud knock at the door and we all knew who it was. So one of my guys went to answer the door and in walked the Elders along with the Elders from the all the other councils.

"Elders." I greeted them with a bow as they did with me also as they came walking inside.

"We're very sorry to hear about what happened to Charlize. But to ensure this all works, I brought the Elders from all the councils. Since Horrace has an ability from each coven and kind, we're gonna need the strongest we can get." The head Elder of the wolf council states.

"Alright. I appreciate all of you guys coming to help out. We don't have much time though and I can't seem to find the weapon anywhere." I tell him as he's the only one I told about it missing, up until now of course, after everyone else has just heard it.

"Are you certain?" The Elder asks me with huge concern in his voice and on his face along with others looking at me with the same terrified look upon their faces.

"What?" I asked.

"He must have it. We really are running out of time and must be on our way. Is everybody ready?" He asks as he takes a look around at the pack.

"They're ready." I tell him.

"Then let's go." The head Elder states.

"He said I had until midnight tomorrow" I tell him.

"You don't understand. First off, she won't be alive by then." He says.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"It really doesn't matter. We just need to go tonight." He states.

"Tell me what you're talking about!" I demanded.

"There's one last thing to his kind in particular. Something even he isn't aware of himself and that is how we have made sure for so long, that he never found out." He begins to explain.

"Such as?" I asked.

"Tomorrow night, at exactly midnight, he will be permanently formed into the creature for eternity and will literally become nearly undefeatedf." He says.

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked still feeling confused and a little bit frustrated.

"It means that as of right now he is able to shift into a human. But after tomorrow, on the mark of the certain amount of years since he had become what he has, he will be able to shift, but not into the human form ever again. He will forever be the creature you saw moments ago take your mate." He finishes with fear and worry in his eyes still.

"Why didn't you tell us?" I asked trying not to lose my temper.

"I am afraid I don't have an answer for that. I guess, we had hoped we would have been able to stop him ourselves but, apparently we have failed. Which is why we are all here and why it is vital that we go immediately to take him down. Although with that weapon in his possession, we still need to use that to defeat him." He says.

After a moment of sharing awkward silence and then finally getting myself together and tell myself to cry later, we all start heading out towards the woods in the back of the house and then begin running to the place he is at, after the Elders told us where it was at.

We all were going to take down the creature they said was undefeated. Impossible to destroy. I never thought I would ever be going into a war practically with the Elders from all types of creatures.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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