CHAPTER 31: You're So Cute

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What people were she talking about I wondered.

"They're called 'Dream Walkers'. They tend to find their victims through dreams. That's how they communicate and attach themselves to those they want to work for them." The Elder of the witch council states.

"So, does that mean that Horrace was never really bad? They just latched themselves onto him?" I heard Charlize as them.

"No. He was bad since birth. Evil was always in his blood as his family were never good ones. He was easier to latch onto because of that. However, your heart because it was kind and there was no evil, they felt that they would use you as a challenge and take advantage of that by showing themselves to you and trying to latch on to you. But you got away. You found us before it was too late and now all that poison is gone." The elder says with a smile.

"Will they ever try to come back?" I asked worried.

"They always do. But there are ways to keep them away. Which we will give you information on. However, because you are feeling better, although you will feel very tired for the next few days, everything will be alright now. We don't have to worry about ever seeing Horrace or any of his kind again since we plan to dispose of his body the only way we know how to that can keep from there ever being a chance of rebirth for his kind." The Elder reassured all of us.

"Thank you." I tell them as I start to help her up.

"Of course." They bowed and smiled.

They all then left as I still held Charlize in my arms.

"Alpha, we really should be getting back now, a storm is coming." My Beta says.

"Yeah." I say while not taking my eyes off of Charlize as we both smile at one another while I pick her up and we start heading back towards the house.


Then once we got back and went right up to our room, right away I drew her a nice warm bubble bath and got in with her having her lean back and relax into me.

"I love you." She tells me.

"I love you too." I smiled at her.

She looks up at me and smiles back before I lean in and kiss her passionately.

"You know, I never thought I would have a chance in finding a mate. Even after I met, well, you know. I always felt like we weren't meant to be and that it was some kind of a mistake. Deep down inside I always knew. I used to imagine actually, what it would be like to be your mate." She says.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really." She says and then looks back up at me.

"I'm glad you said that because I have always wanted you as mine. I'm sorry it took me so long to finally do something about all the physical and emotional pain you had to endure with him." I tell her with a lot of sympathy.

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault. Besides, there were lots of times you protected me from being either severely beaten or worse." I try to remind him.

"We've been through so much together." I say while gently caressing the side of her face with bubbles on my hand.

"That's one of the reasons why both you and I are the baddest mates there is." She states.

"Very true. And very soon we are going to make it official." I smile at her.

"That's right, the ball." She says sounding excited.

"You're so cute." I laugh.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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