CHAPTER 28: I Am At Ease

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It feels as though I have been down here in this grotesque and foul smelling cell in the basement of his house, if that's even where we're at.

I wasn't able to pay attention as we were flying through the freezing night air and all I could do was become fearful of him dropping me and he did almost at one point. That's when I decided to stop moving around so much.

It has been nearly a few hours since I was brought here and still have not been able to communicate in any shape or form with anyone including Taragon. However, my gut has been telling me that he was coming. Even my wolf was trying to assure me we were going to be okay.

I wanted to believe her so bad but who knows. I felt cold, dirty, tired, hungry and thirsty. Horrace told me that it was better to make him start the 'suffering' process for me just in case things didn't go through.

This all seems too surreal to me. I don't blame Taragon for not identifying right away that his so called best friend was really the enemy to all our kinds. I have even started wondering if there was any way I could have helped identify who it was. But I can't ever seem to find an answer.

"He's here." Penelope my wolf tells me and wakes me up as I start nodding off.

"What? Who?" I ask.

Our mate. It seems he brought the Elders as well. We are safe." She tells me sounding relieved and even though a part of me trusts her, I know that Horrace wouldn't go down without a fight and I can't allow Taragon or any of the pack, especially the Elders if they really did come with him, I can't have them all fight and get hurt or worse as I just sit back and wait.

"Don't get too excited." I tell her in a quiet voice.

The door opens up and down comes a couple of guys that I remember. Including Delta.

"Luna." Delta smiles at me.

"Delta." I reply with a smile of relief.

"It's Beta now." He smiles.

"Beta. It's so good to see you guys. But where's my Taragon?" I asked worried.

"He's waiting for you upstairs. Everything is going to be alright now." He tells me.

"Thank god." I tell him as he walks over and starts picking at the locks until he is able to break me free from the shackles.

He then helps me up and the other pack members there were helping me walk even up the stairs as they could tell I was weak. Damn, normally as a human, you can last a few days without water but as a werewolf, because we require more of things than humans do, our bodies need that stuff on a daily basis.

When we finally make it upstairs and head into the kitchen, I am horrified at what I see. I see my mate along with all the Elders and the rest of the pack torn and ripped into pieces, scattered all over and blood splattered everywhere.

I then look over and see Horrace in his creature like form and for some reason had a feeling to look at the clock on the wall in there as he stood there dripping with blood. I noticed it was midnight and then suddenly felt my arms weren't being held then I looked beside me and noticed Del-Beta and the other few members now dead on the floor.

When I look back at Horrace, he begins slowly walking towards me as I begin walking back afraid of what he will do to me then right as he lunges at me and I close my eyes, I wake up to hearing somebody saying my name.

"Luna, wake up!" I hear a male's voice say again.

As I start to become more alert and open up my eyes a little more, I see it's Delta and immediately sit up and scoot back.

"Go away!" I shout. Not sure if this is a dream or if that was a premonition of something. Cause right now, I can see Delta is wearing the same clothes he was just now in the dream and standing in the same position.

"Shh. It's me." He says.

I look at him for a moment more and slowly start moving a little bit closer to him and realize that I am no linger shackled as I then quickly wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly.

"Please. Please tell me this is not a dream Delta." I beg with tears falling down my face.

"No. This is all real." He assures me as he hugs me back. "We unshackled you while you were out and right now we need to head upstairs and show Alpha that you're okay. Don't worry, this will all be over soon." He tells me.

He helps me along with the few other members there as we start to make our way towards upstairs.

"That 24 hours went by fast." I say.

"24 hours?" He asks me bewildered. "Charlize, you've only been for a few hours." He says.

"That can't be though. I thought you needed to go through the Elders for the transferring and..." I started until he stopped me.

"Don't worry, all will be explained in a moment once we join everyone upstairs." He smiles.

When we got upstairs, we started walking through the kitchen then towards the room where everybody, including the pack, Taragon and the Elders from all councils were at. I couldn't believe they were all here together in the same room with Horrace. In which I must say that although I don't know what is going on, I am relieved and beyond happy to see my mate.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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