CHAPTER 15: The Rogue

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After telling everyone what was going in and what we needed to make sure that we had looked out for, I talked with Charlize and finally convinced her that she was strong enough to be our Luna.

In fact, she even suggested I make her training more intense and at first, I thought that it probably wasn't a good idea until finally, her wolf began talking to her and helped her out more.

She kicked ass and caught on very quickly with the training. 

Everything seemed to be going good and so far no sign of Horrace anywhere even though it has only been a few days since we were told about his escape.

We of course never put our guards down but still, we knew it was better to be prepared as much as we could be as well as being on full alert always. But we refused to let that fear disrupt our lives entirely.

I decided that tonight both Charlize and I needed to go out and have a date night. So we went into town and since it was close to the house we figured things would be fine.
Besides, the pack can always let us know of anything were to happen or look suspicious.

We ended up seeing a movie at an old fashioned looking theater and then grab a bite to eat.

We were enjoying each other's company as always but knew we needed to get back in doing things like this more often.

"I'm so glad we were able to get out of the house." She says while we're walking and she places her head onto my shoulder.

"Me too." I tell her.

"The stars look amazing tonight. Almost the kind of sky you'd see in the movies." She comments.

"Yeah. We're lucky." I mention.

We spot a bench that's one of the many aligned in a row against the front gates of a park that is closed after night fall hits.

"You know, I've been thinking a lot about this Horace guy and I can't help but feel like the Elders may have not told us everything." She says.

"What are you saying? You think they're hiding information?" I asked curious as that's exactly how I feel too.

"Yeah. I mean think about it. This is something that has all these abilities and is most likely stronger than all of us put together, in the history of wolves and witches and such all being locked in confinement, it's rare somebody just escapes." She begins to theorize.

"I know. I've been thinking a lot about that too. But I don't know if we should really question them." I say.

"Yeah, I know." She agrees.

"But it doesn't mean we can't still try and look more into it." I tell her.

"True." She smiles and then we give each other a kiss then sit there for a few moments longer before we get up and start to leave.

When we head back and walk inside the house, we see Lesley and a few others running inside the house towards us, panting, sweating along with the a little blood on their shirts.

"Alpha!" Beta calls at me.

"What the hell happened?" I ask.

"You have to come, quick!" He exclaims through breaths.

I take a hold of Charlize's hand and we start running out back after him and Lesley who take us a little ways into the woods where we see a rogue who is surrounded by a few dead naked male bodies.

"Alpha, we found this rogue here, trespassing along with his friends here. They tried attacking us but, we clearly destroyed them." Beta starts to explain.

I scowl at the rogue and then look at my guys.

"Good. But why is he still out here? Why are these dead people still out here?" I asked.

"It all happened so fast and recently that once we heard you both returning, we got back to the house just as you both walked in." He explains. 

"Oh my god, they're just kids." We hear Charlize say as she covers her mouth and holds her stomach in disgust.

"Baby, listen, they are rogues. They are violent and they are dangerous. They tried to kill our guys. Our guys did all of that in self defense." I try and tell her.

She starts to form tears and then she nods her head in agreement.

I then hear the only rogue there alive try to say something before Lesley knocks him out with one punch and they start to both pick him up and take him to the basement.

Then I have several of my pack members come and dispose of the dead ones.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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