CHAPTER 13: Now This

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Today was the day of tryouts and I was real excited to have my old friends here, especially, Lesley.

We had already determined late last night in who would be the perfect Delta and Beta. Lesley won against a couple others who competed among the group of rogues he brought and the people who all followed us here from Mort's pack.

Now we were all just waiting to add more to the pack and may I say, there were far more people than I expected to have ever showed up to audition.

Our fighting techniques are very tough and not many, even when the head Elder was Alpha of the Black Stone at the time, only few could last through the training. That's why they were one of the best of all time. So there's a little pressure on my end.

I had everybody willing to audition stand in rows as I went over how this was going to work.

"Thank you all for coming out. As you all know, I have been assigned the new Alpha for the Black Stone and I am looking for the best who can not just help represent us but also, the name. This training will be one of the toughest you have ever endured. The pain both emotionally, mentally and physically is not for the weak. If at any point any of you feel you can't move on, then you can leave at any time. Today is the first day of training and if at the end of the day, you are still standing, we'll consider having you join." I announce to them all as I walk back and forth in front of them.

"Are there any questions?" I asked.

It took a moment for somebody to raise their hand and ask one. So I called on them and the person seemed to be not much older than sixteen.

"Is it true about you leaving the pack after finding your mate?" He asks.

"That was one of the reasons." I smile as I look back at Charlize who's smiling back at me.

Since there were no more questions after that one, we started their first test which was how fast they can shift.

There is far more to being a wolf. Such as your mentality and if you can control your temper. There is a long list of requirements but that's how you become the best.

It took until almost sundown for the training to end. Well, the 'initiation' part of training which is what the audition is. Then once you are accepted, you go through one more test before becoming fully accepted into the pack.

There were hundreds of men and I could only pick a handful of them at the end of the day. Which that's exactly what I did.

The ones I had chosen had proven more to me than most and showed a lot of heart also.

Thankfully also they all lived nearby and was gonna make it easier for us to have them to do things such as surround the perimeters, running errands, etc.

The overall outcome was great and I was happy with my decisions. Then to celebrate, we had a big barbecue the next day.

For the next few weeks, it seemed like things were coming along better and quicker than I had expected as we all were getting along and so far everything I asked the newest members of the pack to do, did their jobs great.

Today though, I had gotten a message to see one of the Elders about an urgent matter. So I left to see what was happening and turns out they needed my help for tracking down an escaped wolf who somehow managed to escape from confinement.

The moment I stepped foot in the office, I looked at all the Elders as they began telling me everything.

"How is your pack?" The head Elder asks first.

"They're good. Very strong." I tell him.

"That's good." He replies. "I'm afraid that there has been an escape, as I already explained for the reason you were called to come here. He seems to have changed his name but he's one of our worst that we have ever judged or put away." He says.

"Do we know how he escaped?" I ask.

"Not sure. However, he is a huge threat and one of the worst rogues you could ever encounter." He suggests.

"Why is that?" I asked thinking I have seen worse.

"He happens to be the second Hybrid in history that we have ever caught who had the abilities from every kind. He had been a rogue since birth up until he became an Alpha. I'm sure you've heard of him." He says.

"It isn't....It couldn't be...How did he even..." I started to ramble a little to myself.

"Horrace may try and track you down. You must remember though that it's nearly impossible to find him. He is human, has the blood of a sorcerer along with Vampire, werewolf, can manipulate and of course can shape shift. It is very important that you understand how serious this is." He states as he looks terrified.

"How will I ever know though?" I asked.

"But everyone must be on alert and contact us right away, even if it turns out to be the wrong person, we need to be sure and can't take any risks." He says.

"Alright. I'll inform everyone at once tonight. But Sir, why would he want to come and try to find me?" I ask.

"Because you are the new leader of the Black Stone. Before I became the Alpha, he was the original. I was the Beta at the time. Then he went mad and had gone back to being a rogue." He finishes.

"Oh god." I say under my breath.

"If there are any concerns, questions or once again any suspicions, please tell me." He insists again.

"Of course." I reply.

I then bow at them as they do the same to me then thank them once again for the  house and start to head back. Haven't been an Alpha for a whole month and yet I'm having to worry about this.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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