CHAPTER 9: The Judgement

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Last night was one of the best nights of my life. But today would determine all of our futures. Today was Judgement Day for the Elders to decide our fate.

All of us were scared, especially Charlize but the truth is that she really has nothing to be afraid of. My crime would be considered far worse than hers.

I took her hand and we walked into the room where we stood in front of the entire wolf council.

"Taragon!" The head Elder began. "You are here because you called me about what happened between Alpha Mort and his mate." He says the last part looking at Charlize who is terrified to look at them.

"Yes Sir." I replied.

"And you have left the pack, along with the rest of his as well it looks like." He mentions while looking at the guys standing behind me and Charlize.

"That is correct." I tell him.

"I only have one question to ask then." He says.

Here it comes, I thought to myself.

"Yes?" I asked.

"What took you so long?!" He smiles as do the rest of them.

Just then everybody, including me, Charlize and the guys behind us, let out a breath we all seemed to have been holding in.

"What?" I asked feeling confused and wanting to make sure that I heard him correctly.

"We have been watching Alpha Mort and have been displeased very much so by his actions towards others, in particular, his mate, or should I say, his ex-mate." He says with a smirk while looking at her.

"Yes Sir?" I still ask feeling confused.

"The question I have for you both is, what are your plans now?" He asks.

"There's no plan. We came here to face judgement and to accept the consequences for what we did. But now, I don't know since we aren't going to be punished." I answer.

"Well I have an idea, as does, someone else." He smiles.

I started to become even more nervous as we saw the Moon Goddess come walking out with her long black shiny hair that cascaded all the way down past her hips, with radiant skin and a smile that made you feel comfortable and at peace.

"Charlize." She smiles at her before continuing. "For the suffering that you had endured, I apologize for that for I truly thought you could change Alpha Mort. As an apology gift, when you awake tomorrow, you will no longer have memories of Alpha Mort being your mate." She smiles at her.

Charlize begins to smile real big and I could tell felt relieved.

"Thank you." Charlize smiles at her and then looks up at me and smiles as I return the smile.

"And now as for you, Taragon. The Elders and I have discussed that you have finally proven to YOURSELF that you deserve a mate. You deserve to feel that love again and to realize, you were not the reason your first mate died. You have, for the first time in a very long time, finally have allowed yourself to let love in again." She smiles at me and I feel I'm on the edge of tears.

"But how? I don't deserve a mate." I shook my head.

"No one thought that nor said it, except for you. I had to wait until you were ready to accept a new one. Which you have." She smiles while looking at Charlize. "Therefore, as another apology gift, I would like to introduce you to your mate." She says while gesturing with her hand out towards Charlize.

Both Charlize and I look at each other both really happy of course but that still leaves one thing left to discuss. Are we rogues?

"Thank you Moon Goddess. But..." I started but the head Elder stopped me

"I know. We have all taken in consideration for the future of you both and your friends." He starts. "So, the council and I have all come to an agreement. YOU have shown far more than enough and proved more than you needed to, time and time again, that YOU were born to be a leader. An Alpha." He mentions.

"S-sir?" I asked shocked.

"As of today, you, Taragon, shall forever become the Alpha of the newest pack, Black Stone. The finest there is." He says proudly.

The Black Stone was a pack that before he became an Elder, was the Alpha to for centuries. Then once he became the lead Elder and since his son was killed at ten years of age and couldn't take over, the pack had to disperse and all joined different packs. Since then, it hasn't been brought back or anything. No one took the name because it became sacred and in his day, he was the most feared, well respected and ruthless Alpha there was. Nobody could or would want to mess with his pack.

"Thank you Sir. It's an honor." I say still shocked as I feel the guys all pat me on the back.

"I know you'll do well and since you already had gone many years ago through the Alpha training, you will not have to go through it again. However, we must announce it to everyone and that you have found your Luna." He says.

"Yes." I smiled at him then looked at Charlize.

"And I'm assuming you'd like to keep these rowdy ones as part of your pack?" He mentions while looking at the guys behind us.

"I don't know." I started to say. Then turned and looked at them before turning back to look at the Elders to reply. "I guess I can." I laughed.

We all share a good laugh together and the head Elder makes the final announcement of the decisions and we all start to leave.

Well, that wasn't so bad I guess. I mean, I'm definitely not complaining.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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