CHAPTER 17: Did They Know?!?

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"So let me get this straight, you're trying to tell me that you and your men got passed mine on the South side of our territory without them noticing?" I asked in disbelief trying to give this rogue one last chance to confess and tell me the truth in how he got onto here.

"You have no idea in who you're dealing with. Besides, it isn't me you need to worry about. It's Horrace." He says with blood coming out of the corners of his mouth, his nose and looks badly beaten as we have been hitting him while being chained up against the wall.

"Is that a confession or a threat?" I asked.

He just chuckles a little bit and spits out the blood in his mouth onto the floor.

"I'm not telling you shit. All I'm gonna say is that you should watch your back. Because you never know in who you can really trust." He smirks.

"Take care of him. I'm done for the night. And make sure you dispose of him like the other guys did with his friends." I tell them before leaving and then I hear some gasping and turn around mid-step then see that Lesley had slit the man's throat.

Afterwards, all three of us headed back upstairs and I started to make my way up to the room feeling dirty and grossed out.

When I walked into our room, I saw Charlize was in the shower as I heard the water running and the bathroom door was halfway opened. So I thought I'd join her.

I quickly got undressed and once I got in, she turned around and jumped a little.

"Don't scare me like that." She slaps my chest.

"Sorry." I tell her.

I then give her a kiss.

"So how did it go down there?" She asks me.

"Eh, he's a rogue." I shrugged.

"All of this is crazy." She begins to say.

"I know but, it's all gonna be okay." I look into her eyes and smile before leaning in and kissing her again.

We make out for a bit then have a little 'fun' before cleaning ourselves once again then walking out and getting into bed, falling asleep in each other's arms.

For the next few days, things seemed to have been going good and no other rogues have tried to trespass onto our territory or even come near it after word got around of what we did with the ones that night.

However, I did notice that Charlize was a little off though I didn't know why and wasn't sure if I should ask or not. Mostly because I wasn't sure if it was girl problems or something.

Besides, I do trust her and am sure that if she has something she needs or and wants to talk to me then she will.

Meanwhile, Lesley, me and Delta have been going over some ideas for protecting the perimeters even more in the office when we heard a knock.

"Alpha Taragon?" Charlize says as she walks inside.

"Yes my Luna?" I reply with a big smile.

"I need to speak with you in private please." She says.

Lesley and Delta both begin to leave, closing the door behind them while I get up and Charlize and I sit beside each other on the couch as she pulls out a book.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's a book I found in here. Well, actually, it's what Penelope found." She admits.

"In here?" I asked.

"Yeah. I think you should take a look at it." She tells me as she hands it to me.

I start opening up the book and flipping through the pages.

"Holy shit! Do you think maybe the Elders know about this?" I asked.

"I do. I have this feeling, just like I told you the other night. There's something that they haven't told us, I feel." She says.

"Shit." I say underneath my breath. "Well, we can't tell anybody but we do need to see the Elders as soon as possible." I suggest.

"I agree." She nods. "I have a feeling we need to do it fast because, according to that, we don't have much time."

What the hell is going on I wonder. Did the Elders ever know this book was here? If so, is that why they gave us this house? I have a big feeling, both my wolf and I actually, are now starting to feel like maybe she is right, the Elders are hiding something and now they can't deny anything anymore.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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