CHAPTER 30: What The Hell Just Happened?

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I opened my eyes and noticed I was inside a room that looked kind of rustic and out dated. I could hear the echos of voices talking outside of the bedroom. 

So I slowly started sitting up in bed and took a look around before I got up for good and slowly made my way towards the door with my vision and saw nothing around me but what was right in front of me. 

When I opened the door, I saw several people with their backs facing towards me as they stood in a circle, talking. 

Then the room suddenly got silent and slowly turned their heads to look at me. I felt scared. Almost as if this was a nightmare or a scene from a horror movie. 

"W-who are you all?" I asked. 

"Don't be afraid. It'll all be over soon." An older woman said with a weird smile that made me feel uneasy. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked hesitating and beginning to back up slowly back into the room. 

"There's nothing to fear my child. You soon will feel better than you ever have with more abilities and power than you could ever imagine. You see, you are the new one." The older woman stated. 

"I must be dreaming." I say to myself. 

"No, but you are running  out of time. We must finish this before it's too late and they take you." The woman says. 

I notice everyone start walking towards me while I continued to walk back into the room and quickly shut the door and locked the door behind me. I next began quickly looking and ran towards the window. I heard them knocking gently on the door at first and then it became more aggressive. 

I began panicking more and struggled to get the window opened by the bed before falling outside of the room and stumbled as I quickly got up off the ground and without hesitating, I sprinted deep into the woods. 

After running for what seemed like forever, I stopped to try and catch my breath while wondering if this was a dream or not and if it wasn't, where was Taragon and who exactly were those people?

I heard footsteps getting closer and just knew that it was them so I began trying to decide real fast which way to go until I started hearing some voices in the distance. I panicked and took a chance and started running towards the voices while trying to ignore the crazy people who were after me. 

I ran a while until I came to the middle of a field and noticed there were a few people who looked to be chanting something while holding hands and creating a circle along with a white light. 

I slowly began approaching when I got close enough and noticed they were surrounding something while continuing to chant and not breaking from whatever it was they were doing. 

When I started looking between their arms and at what they were surrounding, I noticed it was me? Oh god, was I dead? What the fuck?

I started listening to what they were saying but couldn't make anything out as they began speaking faster and faster. 

There was a noise coming from behind me and I noticed it was the group of people as they came out the woods walking towards me. 

I turned and tried shaking one of the people chanting but they didn't move or anything. What was happening? Where could I go now? 

This was it, the creepy people were getting closer and since I didn't want to witness my own death anymore, I closed my eyes tightly and prepared for whatever these people were going to do to me. 

I waited for a few moments before opening my eyes and gasped deeply to try and catch my breath. 

"There there. Calm down." I heard somebody tell me. 

"What the hell is going on? What happened to those crazy people?" I asked panicked as I sit up. 

"You were poisoned by Horrace's blood after you bit him. You blacked out and we got to you before those people did. You're safe now." The older gentleman tells me. 

What did they mean? Am I still dreaming? Was I ever even dreaming? I am so confused. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

Hmmmm Wonder who those group of people were?! 

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