CHAPTER 6: Almost.....

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After the other night when I had my night terror, Alpha Mort threatened to cut my vocals out if I screamed like that ever again. So every night as I wake up, I immediately scream into a pillow.

Then to make things worse, he restricted me from having even more food. He was already giving me very little to begin with but now, it has gotten worse as it now is being used as part of my 'punishment.'

Already I have gone numb and stopped trying to acknowledge the sharp pain when he cheats on me. I swear, as of right now, I feel as though the Moon Goddess hates me for some reason and is punishing me for something.

Then again, I remind myself that of course I deserve to feel all of this pain, just like my sister felt right before she died.

While sitting up in my room, I have tried to find ways in entertaining myself but there's nothing. So I just sit on the bench by my bedroom window and look out at the trees in the woods.

I wish I could take Penelope for a run. I shouldn't be too afraid to try and run as far away from here as I possibly can but, I'm not as strong as I was before and can't run fast without Penelope who I believe is still upset with me, seeing as to how she hasn't said anything to me.

I hardly even sleep anymore because I'm too afraid of what I might dream.

Just that word sounds so beautiful by itself. Like you're somewhere that you can be free. There's no hatred or fear. Just happiness and love. But I guess that's something reserved for so few.

I was not entirely tired but I was bored and eventually, that can make me tired. However, I decided to take a nice long hot bath and while laying in the tub with my eyes closed, I opened them up and looked to the rack on the right side of the tub hanging on the wall filled with soaps, shaving cream and razors.

I then reach for the sharp blade and remove it from the razor itself before slowly raising my left arm, looking at it, feeling tears beginning to fall and then closing my eyes right before I feel the sharp blade against my skin and start sliding it creating one line. Then another one and before I could do one more, I hear a pounding on my bathroom door. Startling me and causing me to quickly toss the blade into the trash.

"Who is it?" I asked then quickly covered my mouth as I just remembered that I was supposed to be quiet. Oh my god please don't let it be Mort.

"Charlize, open the door!" I hear a panicked sounding Taragon while he pounds on the door and tries turning the door handle.

What the hell does he want? Did he seriously have to interrupt me? Then it hit me, he could smell the blood. Shit!

I jump as soon as I see him bust open the door and right away looks at me as I try and cover myself.

"Get out." I tell him.

"What did you do?" He asks with concern.

"Well I tried to do everybody a fucking favor until you interrupted. Now get out before Alpha hears or see's you. I'm not supposed to be talking anyways." I say while fighting back tears.

He stands there for a momemt before he says anything.

"I'm not leaving until you let me see what you did." He says.

"What the hell do you care? I'm a burden. I'm a waste of life. I'm nothing to my parents. I'm nothing to my mate. And the one person that gave me a little bit hope had failed me." I say as a few tears start to fall down my face.

Then we hear the front door downstairs slam shut and we knew who it was.

"This isn't over." He says as he starts to leave, shutting the door behind him.

I quickly head over towards the bed, turn out the lights and get underneath the covers and sheets as I heard Alpha stomp his way up the stairs and towards my bedroom.

I then hear the door bust open and he comes walking over although right away I can smell the scent of alcohol. Great, he's drunk.

Next I feel him turn me roughly onto my back and holds my arms down while getting on top of me.

"Get off of me." I start to beg.

He slaps me across the face.

"Shut the fuck up! Don't act like you don't want me. We both knew this was going to have to happen sooner or later." He slurrs before smashing his lips onto mine.

I quickly bite his lip hard causing him to yell before the next thing I feel is him punching me hard enough to knock me out.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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