CHAPTER 24: He's Here.....

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After hearing everything, I was more terrified than I have ever been in my life.

They say that everyone and everything has a weakness but from the sound of it, this one might not be in that category.

What if this was it for all our kinds? What if this was how we all would become extinct?

Meanwhile, to make matters worse, we have  no clue how to use the weapon we did find that's supposed to defeat this creature and the head elder has to speak to the only person alive who knows how to use it and what to do?

"Okay, so that was interesting." I hear Taragon tell me.

"Yeah well, it was more terrifying to me than anything else." I admit.

"Everything's gonna be okay. We just have to wait." He tells me.

"I know. That's the shitty part." I tell him.

He holds me and then we hear a few of the guys come in from out back and we hear Lesley ask us what's going on.

"Where were you?" Taragon asks him and as I turn to see him I see he is covered in dirt.

"I went for a run." He says.

"Oh, well, next time, tell me when you're gonna leave because I want to make sure everybody is safe. This creature took out several good strong people recently, with the exception of Mort and I don't want that to happen to this pack." He tells him.

"Of course." He says.

Lesley next then begins jogging up the stairs towards his bedroom to take a shower while I head into the kitchen and start making some dinner with the help of Taragon, which I thought was cute and sweet in my opinion.

After we were all finished with dinner, most of us went to watch some movie in the living room and halfway into the movie, I had felt exhausted so I decided to head upstairs and go to bed.

While putting my gown on after drying myself off from my shower and walking out of the bathroom, I was startled when I saw Lesley standing in the middle of our bedroom.

"Oh my god. You scared me." I said as I tried catching my breath.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"Um, did you need something?" I asked.

He looks me up and down and licks his lips a little making me feel really uncomfortable and then slowly looks up at me with a grin.

I quickly try and run into the bathroom as I try to mind link Taragon but I can't. Then before I am able to reach the bathroom, he grabs my wrist and forcefully pushes me against the wall, covering my mouth while his arm has its grip on my neck.

"Not so fast." He grins. "You know, for someone who has the ability to see things, you sure are stupid and blind." He tells me.

"What are you..." I tried forcing through his hand but he slams me hard against the wall.

"Shut the fuck up!" He says in a low voice as he moves his head closer to me. "You and I are going to have an understanding. Because I know, it's just a matter of time before you figure things out." He starts to say and leans in closer towards my ear.

"I'm Horrace." He says.

I try to scream but they are muffled through his hand and I'm freaking out. I next bite his hand and then kick in between his legs and start heading towards the door and start trying to scream.

"Hel..." I try to scream again loudly before he covers my mouth again and closes the door behind us and throws me across the room, over the bed and causing me to land hard onto the floor while hitting my head against the window, making the shattered glass pieces scatter onto the floor.

"Now you listen to me carefully. You have gotten in the way of me and my little project. So I will make a deal with you, you keep your fucking mouth shut about this and what I just told you, and the pack along with your precious little mate, I will let live." He smirks.

Half alert and half blurred of my vision from the impact of when I hit my head, I at least knew what he was saying.

"He won't believe you." I start telling him. "I'm not afraid of you." I tell him.

"Trust me, I'm far worst than any of your nightmares and yes I can make him believe me over you. He did the other day when you and I had that so called 'argument'. "

"You manipulated his thoughts?" I asked.

"Of course. You see, this Lesley guy, he got in the way and I needed a way into this house and since he didn't want to tell me where Taragon was, I knew there was only one way." He says.

"You bastard. I will not let you...." I started protesting but he grabbed my throat and tightened the squeeze.

"Now I will tell you one last time, Don't. Fuck. With. Me." He says.

I try to pry his fingers off as I feel myself losing oxygen to my head and then before everything goes black, I hear the Delta yell out, "Let her fucking go!" Then everything turned dark.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Also, I have re-edited Chapter 23 cause I forgot to mention them finding the weapon. :)

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