CHAPTER 5: Once Again

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After I saw Charlize look at me and the random girl I had brought to the house, I felt as though I was caught cheating or something. The pain in her eyes as she looked at us both killed me.

Then after heading upstairs, I tried to get my mind off of her by making out with the girl I was with and then as we both get down to my boxers and her bra and panties, I suddenly looked at her and could only see Charlize.

I quickly pushed myself away from her and ran my fingers through my hair all frustrated. Why the hell can't she get out of my head?!

I started to hear her cry and realized that I couldn't sleep with this girl.

"Why the hell did you stop?!" She asks.

"I'm sorry but you have to go. I can't do this." I tell her.

"Are you fucking serious?" She glares at me while quickly putting her clothes back on. Then before she leaves, she turns to look at me. "You ain't nothing anyways. You're a fucking Beta for crying out loud." She remarks.

"I said get the fuck out!" I yell at her while punching my fist through the wall.

She gets scared and begins to leave while I fall back onto the bed all frustrated as I can't stop thinking about Charlize and feeling regretful as she's now crying most likely because of me.

I should go and say something to her. But again, my wolf reminds me that I can't.

So I just listened to some music before falling asleep but awoke and sat abruptly up in my bed after hearing Charlize screaming. Shit, she probably had another nightmare.

So I get up to go and try to at least comfort her til she went back to sleep but closed the door and stayed in my room after seeing Alpha Mort stomp his way over to her room.
I hope he tries and calms her down at least and not yell at her. But I suddenly then hear him yell for her to shut the hell up then there was silence the rest of the night.

For the next few days, I had tried to ignore Charlize but today, I decided to at least try and be nice to her. So when I saw her watching TV during the time she was allowed to, I took that opportunity to sit next to her.

"Hey." I greet her while plopping down beside her.

She looked out the corner of her eye and then looked back at the TV while scooting over.

"What are you watching?" I ask her but still she doesn't reply.

"Look, I'm sorry for how I've been treating you. I just..." I tried finding the words to say while looking down at my folded hands on my lap and then heard a paper ripping noise before then seeing her hand me the paper before getting up and leaving.

After watching her head upstairs, I look down and read her note.

I am not allowed to say a word to anyone until Alpha says otherwise. In particular, you. Otherwise he will get upset. So please leave me alone!

That was it. That was all she wrote and gave to me just now.

I felt a sudden rush of guilt, regret and nausea.

Fuck, what has he been doing to her? Other than hitting her as I could tell she was hiding the right side of her face along with the fact also she hasn't been fed a whole lot neither since she arrived.

I thought this whole time I was doing the right thing, what I thought was best but, I guess once again, I fucked up.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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