CHAPTER 16: A New Discovery

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I couldn't believe what all I was looking at when I noticed the dead bodies next to the living rogue out of them all there.

Their bodies had changed into their human forms as we do if killed.

While making our way back, I'll be honest, I never trusted rogues as it goes in general that they can't ever be trusted. Therefore, I didn't feel at all too comfortable knowing there would be one downstairs.

"Alright, I'll be up in a little bit. I need to go down there with the guys and try and find out what I can about the rogue and why, along with HOW he ever even got onto our territory." Taragon tells me as we step inside the house and has me heading upstairs to wait for him in the bedroom.

So I head upstairs and then sit down on the bed and I start to try and think about what all has just happened and what I had just witnessed. I mean those rogues couldn't have been more than at least 13-14 years of age.

I started thinking that maybe the rogue still alive could be Horrace who possibly made himself try and look like he was a pack member and that's how him and his buddies were able to get onto the territory or even maybe Mort sent them.

Oh my god, none of this could possibly be happening.

After waiting a while, Penelope started to tell me several things I had forgotten all about.

"We need that book in the office from downstairs." She tells me.

"What book?" I asked her out loud confused.

"Honestly, am I the only one that pays attention?!" She exclaims. "Trust me and just go downstairs. I remember seeing a book on the sixth shelf. It was the only tattered and worn out book there. I have a feeling it might help us with some information." She says.

I can't believe I am doing this but then again, she is my inner wolf and I do need to trust her.

So I get up and begin walking downstairs and go into the office. The moment I get in there she tells me where to go and I do find the only tattered deep red worn out book there and pull it out.

When I sit down at the desk, I start opening the old and stained pages that looked to have many sketches along with pages and pages of writing. Was this a journal?

I began flipping through the pages hoping to find something that will hopefully help me out. I eventually land on a page that right away I can see was the hybrid that the Elders were warning us about.

I began to read out loud what it said:

    It was the worst thing that could ever happen to our kind.
    Doctor Velsing, has created a creature that never should have been created and I know will be the end of all kinds but including ours.
     Unfortunately, we have failed to contain it. It has grown to become more violent and filled with more rage than normal. Its strength is no match for even a hundred werewolves. Its taste for blood makes it the deadliest hunter. It will feast upon your fear and the worst part is it has the ability of other kinds not mention their abilities including manipulation and shape shifting. Makes it almost impossible to find its weakness but it does have one.
      If ever anyone should encounter such a hybrid, you have to kill it. These hybrids are unlike any other and they will become the most threatening weapon that could destroy everyone and everything.
      In order to kill it, you must......

I immediately closed the book as soon as I heard Taragon and the others coming up the stairs from the basement and could smell my mate's scent along with also blood and quickly made my way upstairs.

I plan to tell Taragon about this but not until I found out more.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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