CHAPTER 18: Changes Are Happening

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For the past few days since I showed Taragon the book and everything, we have been trying to get a hold of the Elders and even the Moon Goddess yet, we have received nothing from either one.

In the meantime, that doesn't stop us from training ourselves with even more intensive fighting techniques.

It seems like everyday my instincts keep getting stronger and stronger. The Elders are normally good at letting us know how things are going but so far nothing.

I heard the doorbell ring and went to answer it after seeing it was the delivery guy who was delivering groceries to us since we can't really leave off this territory alone and since nobody really likes to go to the store and I don't want to eat take out every meal, I ordered some.

Another thing that has been getting to me has been the fact that Taragon and Lesley have been buddy buddy and ways with each other except for in our bedroom. I know they haven't seen each other in a while and are best friends but still, I would like time with MY mate and so would my wolf.

Before answering the door, I heard Lesley yell out from behind.

"Don't answer that!" He shouts out.

"It's okay, he's just delivering the groceries." I explain.

"Still. You heard the Alpha. That thing can disguise itself as anything and anyone. So I'll get it." He states.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes and stood off to the side.

The moment he had opened up the door, the delivery guy quickly leaped towards Lesley and started to growl while trying to choke him.

I then elongated my nails out and quickly yanked him off of Lesley and threw him against the wall hard, causing a hole.

The guy shifts full on into wolf form and then starts to charge at me. I was ready for it until I saw Lesley, who I knew was wounded, quickly jump in front of me, grabbing the guys throat and then throwing him hard onto the ground so hard that it broke the wooden flooring and killed the delivery guy instantly.

I was in shock but also felt grateful for Lesley being able to help out and try to protect me. Everyone came pouring out from every which way.

"What the hell happened?!" Alpha Targaon asked.

"I-I just had someone deliver groceries..." I started to say. Then Lesley cut me off as he held his side.

"She didn't think was what happened." He scowled at me as he winced in pain.

"Excuse me?!" I asked feeling completely taken off guard. "Well excuse me for putting food in this house." I exclaimed with my arms crossed over my chest and glaring at him.

"Whatever. You should have known better!" He snapped at me.

"Relax!" Taragon snapped at him.

"Yeah and YOU should have never come here!" I snapped at him feeling both half serious and half regretful for saying that.

"CHARLIZE!" I heard Taragon snap at me like he has never done before.

Right in that moment I felt more like I wasn't his Luna. The way he just snapped at me instead of defending me, hurt and also made me pissed off.

"You know what, maybe HE should be your Luna!" I snapped back at Taragon having some say 'ah shit!' Then I walked past them all and ran outside then shifted quickly into my wolf form and started running through the woods as fast as I could. Within the perimeters of course. Not that he would care or anything.

I swear, I really hate the fact that it has taken just a few days of him going from nice and sweet to this asshole that forgets almost like he has a Luna.

After running nonstop several miles, I finally stopped to catch my breath and lay down. It was a nice and peaceful place. I laid down and looked out through the trees as bits of light came peeking through.

Why do I feel as though suddenly things are changing for the worst? Why have I never been good enough for anyone? What is happening?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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