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I had felt strange out of nowhere after Charlize had left to go upstairs and I remember getting this upsetting and disturbing feeling before. But yet I don't remember why or what really happened.

"You alright?" Delta asks me.

"Yeah, I just don't feel good all of a sudden." I tell him as I lean forward holding my stomach.

"Look at me." He says.

"What?" I asked but still looked at him.

"Shit, this happened before. I didn't think...doesn't matter." He says and then calls over a couple of guys and starts having them hold me down while having one of the Omegas go and get some rope from downstairs in the basement.

When he returned, he had the kid quickly tie me up and tie me to the leg of the couch though still they hovered over me as I struggled.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Forgive me Alpha. But your eyes are not the same. They are a greyish almost black color and that's a sign of you being possessed in a way. I saw it the other day after you snapped at Charlize. I think...." He starts to explain but stops the moment we heard something break upstairs and a gasp.

I then felt tightening around my throat. Oh my god, what was happening to my mate.

I next saw Delta along with several others sprint upstairs and then moments later, while struggling to still break free, I saw one of my guys being thrown off the balcony on the second floor.and land onto the coffee table, breaking it.

"Guys, untie me now! Please, my mate's in trouble!" I beg them.

Thankfully one of them takes a kitchen knife and cuts me loose as I immediately sprint my way up the stairs taking two steps at a time.

I notice Delta is bloodied up and being hurt by Lesley while Charlize is in the corner, all bloodied up and shaking in fear.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yell out loud as I get to him, yank Delta out of the way and begin punching Lesley as he does with me back.

It's an all over fist fight and throwing each other around.

"Lesley, what the hell?!" I asked.

"I'm not fucking Lesley! I'm Horrace!" He states and suddenly he shapes into his true form, he had the physique of an Alpha werewolf, his teeth were razor sharp like ours but they seemed sharper, then there were scars all over his body, which was the color of a dark greyish green color ans his eyes were all black.

I was terrified and frozen in fear. Though what shocked me the most was him being able to speak without mind linking.

"You have no idea that you and your pathetic pack are dead. You don't deserve to be the Alpha of this pack. You don't have the strength the abilities as I do, to lead the pack. To represent and preserve this name." He says.

"Oh I am more than capable and sure as hell am not afraid of you!" I tell him as I begin to growl and then I feel my canines start to extend as I begin to shift slowly until finally I am in my wolf's form.

Though as soon as I shifted fully, I looked and saw him holding Charlize with blood coming from her head as she looked at me terrified while he had his arm around her while holding her arm down and had one of his longest nails at her throat.

"I wouldn't try and be a hero if I were you." He says.

"Don't you fucking hurt her or I swear." I started to threaten but he stopped me.

"Really? I could slit her fucking throat right now in front of you and let her bleed out all because you wanted to try and save her." He states. "But I'll make you a deal, I will give you until midnight tomorrow to decide her fate and yours."

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "Fine you want the pack, it's yours just let her go." I beg him.

"You and I both know it isn't as simple as that." He says. "So until tomorrow at midnight, I'll be taking this as collateral." He says and then leaps out of the window, breaking the glass having the pieces fly everywhere as he has her in his arms while we all notice he has webbed creature like wings and begins flying.

Where the hell did that shit come from?!

"CHARLIZE!!" I cry out from the window and I next feel Delta pull me back inside.

Oh my god. How could this have happened?!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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