CHAPTER 26: Somebody WILL Pay

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When I opened my eyes, I felt groggy and was immediately blinded by the brightness of the light above me as I was laying down facing the ceiling. 

As I began to become more alert and awake, I realized that both my arms were restrained above my head by shackles that seemed to have been attached to whatever hard plank or whatever it was that I was laying on along with my ankles tied together by rope. 

I tried struggling and moving around to see if by some miracle I could break loose from them but of course, I didn't have the strength that Taragon did. 

"You're just wasting your energy on trying to break free when you can't." I heard a deep and dark familiar voice. 

I looked over and noticed out of the shadows came walking over was Horrace. 

"Taragon will find you and when he does you're going to be sorry." I try and warn him to hide the true fear I feel. 

"Somebody's in denial." He states with a smile of amusement. 

"Why are you doing this? What is it that you want exactly?" I asked. 

"Taragon and in fact, the entire council knows exactly what I want. I want to be the Alpha of the pack as it is rightfully mine after all." He states. 

"The hell it is! I know all about you and what all you did and how to kill you." I tell him with a smile of satisfaction. 

"Oh yes, yes, yes, that's right. Is this what you're talking about?" He asks me as he pulls out the weapon we had found that day in the woods. 

"How the hell did you get that?" I asked. 

"It was almost too easy. That day when I had returned all dirty and told you I had gone for a run? I didn't. I was in fact looking around for that 'discovery' you and your mate found and I couldn't allow you both to use it against me." He states. 

I felt sick to my stomach as I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach and I was more fearful in this moment then I believe I have been in my entire life before. This was it. This had to be since he got the weapon. 

"W-what are you going to do?" I ask. 

"I'm glad you asked." He smiles sarcastically. "You see, my little young one, I have the very thing that Taragon wants more than anything just as he has the ability to get me exactly what I want. All he has to do is comply and follow through without trying to be a hero and then you will be freed and back into his arms." He smiles as he says the last part with sarcasm.

"But he can't give up his position and he won't because the Elders have already gave him the title for this pack." I remind him.

"You have much to learn." He tells me. "For example he can give up his title and it over to me with the permission of the council and as far as I'm concerned, he loves you a great deal supposedly and with that said, the council think highly of you as well and if they are smart as they all claim to be, then they will do as told."

"They will never agree. So you night as well get it over with and kill me because that'll never happen. Besides, I am not afraid of you." I tell him with my head held high. 

"As much as I admire your bravery, you know what I am and have heard of what all I am capable of doing." He states as if I hadn't and takes pride in what he does.

"Yes but, that doesn't mean shit to me. You're a coward deep down inside that abuses his powers and uses them as abilities to inflict pain and suffering to others rather than gifts. So in my book, that makes you a fucking-good-for-nothing-coward." I finish telling him while not blinking once.

He glares back at me intently for a few moments before saying anything.

"We'll see if those are your final words when I'm torturing you in front of him. Mock my words, somebody will pay and it won't be good." He says.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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