CHAPTER 29: If Anything Happens To Her....

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I was about to lose it the moment I saw how poorly she has been treated by this asshole. Her hair was dirty and messy as was the rest of her body and she seemed to have been bruised and cut a little around her legs.

"Let's get this over with." I tell him through clenched teeth.

"That's fine with me." He smirks.

I look at the Elders and nod at them to let them know that now was the time we make the deal.

The moment I looked back at Horrace, he looked as though he already has figured out there really was no deal. Then he smirks at me.

"I warned you not to try and be a hero." He states.

In one swift move, he pushes my men hard against a wall while taking Charlize in his arms and places the only weapon that can kill him.

"Let her go Horrace." I tell him.

"Sure kid. You all should be ashamed of yourselves." He says as he nods at the Elders.

"Horrace, you know there is no way out. We have the place surrounded." The head Elder tells him.

"Oh I'm sure you do. In fact, I counted on that. That's why you were a terrible Alpha to the pack. You were always weak and seemed to play too much by the rules that were created centuries ago. Back when times were different. You refused for centuries to revise the rules. You all follow the rules as if they pertain to every generation." He tells them before looking at me with the blade of the weapon still pressed firmly up against her neck.

"There are laws for a reason. To create peace and to reduce any type of war from happening. To make sure there is no corruption and...." The head Elder states but is stopped by Horrace.

"Oh my god you should hear yourself. You have followed word for word the book of laws and have lost any room for thinking outside of it. It's almost as though you don't have a mind of your own. So you all can stand there and judge me as you have and are at this very moment but we all know I'm telling the truth." He says.

While they distract Horrace with keeping him talking, I slowly inch my way over closer to him and Charlize as she looks panicked.

Once I finally get close enough, he quickly sees me and I claw his arm causing him to wince and yelp in pain while letting her go unintentionally.

The claw marks were definitely going to leave deep scars.

Without anymore hesitation, I shifted immediately into my wolf as did everybody else with theirs including Horrace except for the councils from the witches council and we all leaped towards him, including my men and thought for a moment we finally had him.

Then we all felt an invisible force throw us off of him into mid air and land hard in random places around the kitchen.

All I could think about at this point was getting Charlize.

We all quickly got up and instantly started fighting back. With the witches and warlocks who were all here along with the vampires council and of course the Elders of the wolves along with me and my pack, we all were trying to attack him and yet somehow he was able to still fight us off all at once.

I suddenly lost track of Charlize and then out of nowhere, I saw her wolf come from behind him just as he was starting to get up and then she pounced on him, biting a chunk from his neck as he screamed in pain.

He tried with everything he had to get her off but she wouldn't let up. Watching my mate fight the way the way she was, there were no words other than I was impressed as were the rest.

Next I noticed a bright blue light finally morph itself around him and her, only it caused her to be forced back and off of him, making her hit the wall several feet away and knocked her down.

I had looked over and noticed the Elder of the witch council was staring intently without blinking towards Horrace who struggled to stand up but once he did, we all began hearing the bones crack and suddenly we heard the grandfather clock in the hallway go off.

When I looked to see what time it was, it was midnight. But wait, he's morphing into something while healing from the bite.....Oh fuck.....That motherfucker.

I started sprinting towards the Elder and pounced on top of him, knocking him down, grabbing him by the throat not worried about the consequences and severe punishment I can get for attacking the head Elder, but he lied.

I made sure to mind link to where everybody could hear.

"You fucking liar! It wasn't tomorrow night, it was TONIGHT he would transform into the creature!" I could feel everyone look over and in the distance noticed the blue light was gone.

"I did so that I could do this." He says back while getting up quickly, reaches out for the weapon that had been laying beside us and stands in his full seven feet tall height, one of the tallest Alpha's. Then in a swift movement, he jabs it hard right into Horrace's heart and twists it, making Horrace immediately start to turn back into his human form while falling to the ground.

We all watch Horrace go down and are in all complete and utter shock as we watch him bleed out. A moment later, Horrace's body became burnt somehow before disintegrate into nothing but ashes.

To be honest, I expected this to be a long lasting fight without many survivors but here we are. Now looking at a pile of ashes that the witches coven has to dispose of properly so nobody can try and replicate his DNA.

I was so surprised and in shock while standing there that I hadn't realized, Charlize.

I turn and start running over towards her and quickly shift back into my human form as it looks like she has done already.

I start to pick her up and notice she isn't waking up but yet is still breathing.

One of the Elders from the witches council looks at her and then at me with regret.

"What?" I asked.

"We need to get her to the center of the woods, quickly. There's not much time." The Elder says as he takes her.

"What are you talking about? What's going on?! Is she going to die?" I asked.

"Worse." He says.

Next they start carrying her away and I run after them, after my Beta tosses me my clothes.

"What the hell is going on?!" I asked while trying to catch up with them.

The head Elder stops in front of me.

"Hold on Taragon." He says.

"This is all your fault! You fucking lied to me and now god knows what will happen to my mate! Mock my words and with all do respect Sir, if anything happens to her, I will tell everyone what you have done." I tell him as I glare at him intently.

Then me and my pack begin following the witch council into the woods.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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