CHAPTER 11: I Was A Rogue.....

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I knew that eventually she would ask me about that. She has every right to know also so I first take in a deep breath then let it out before I begin to tell her.

"It was eight years ago, we were both teenagers and we had only been mates for several months. Then I had to go off to Alpha training because at the time, I was going to try out in becoming an Alpha of the pack Mort soon took over. But I had to leave for the training for one year and both Mort and I were roommates. Everyday I would mind link with my mate. Then one day, when I had finished with the training and we were getting ready to head back the next day, I couldn't get a hold of her. Our connection out of the blue just stopped. I was worried so I got on a plane then and there. When I arrived though, it was too late. She had been killed." I struggled saying the last part as I choked back on some tears.

"Was she killed?" She asks me as she sits up and looks at me.

"She was attacked in the middle of the night by several rogues." I tell her.

"Oh my god." I hear her say.

"It was all my fault." I tell her as I sit up now leaning against the headboard of the bed.

"Taragon, it wasn't your fault." She tries to convince me.

"Yes it was." I tell her as I snap my head towards her. Then I look back down at my hands on my lap." These rogues had been trying to go after me since I left."

"What do you mean, since you left?" She asks.

"Before I became a Beta or anything, I was a rogue. My parents had both left me alone in the woods after I was born. I met a lot of rogues but there were a lot of good ones and I grew up not knowing any better. Then along the way, when I was ten, I had run into Mort, we became friends and his family ended up taking me in as one of their own. And even though I made good friends with rogues, there were of course others that hated the fact I was taken into a home and family." I explain.

"And they were jealous or something?" She asks me confused.

"More like enraged with jealousy, yes." I nod in agreement.

"What the hell, baby?!" She starts to say.

"I just....I want you to understand and know something." I turn and take hold of her hand while looking into her eyes.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Promise me that no matter what, you won't question me if I ask you to be with me." I ask with plead in both my eyes and voice.

"Of course I'm gonna be with you, we're mates. But honey, we can't smother each other." She tells me.

"I promise I'll try and not to smother so much but still, I just, I have to make sure you are always safe." I insist as I lean our foreheads to touch each others.

"I promise. I'm not going anywhere without you." She smiles.

I nod my head before placing a gentle kiss onto her lips.

"Okay." I reply.

"But I do have a question, did the rogues who got your first mate, were they ever caught?"

"Eventually, but I should have been there." I tell her again. "I wasn't meant to be an Alpha and didn't want to be one after that because I feared I'd never be able to have a mate, let alone deserve the title of an Alpha." I confess.

"But look at you now." She smiles at me.

"Yeah, because of you." I tell her.

We start making out and one thing led to another to where we ended up going for round two.

   A Few Days Later

We were able to start settling into our new pack house thanks to the Elders' generosity and I must say, it's amazing.

It had come fully furnished and also happened to be stocked without a lot of foods in both the walk-in pantry and huge fridge/freezer. We all were surprised.

In the next few months, there was going to be a ball thrown in my honor to introduce me as the newest Alpha and of course, Charlize as my mate.

While I was talking with the pack in how I'd determine who would become my Beta, Delta and discussing about recruiting others to build up the pack, we heard a knock kn the door.

"Come in." I called out to whomever it was.

The door opened and in walked Charlize.

"Hello boys, Alpha." She smiled and bowed at us as we did with her.

"Luna." I smiled at her.

"There's somebody here to see you." She says.

The guys and I all look at each other confused as to who it could be since none of us were expecting anyone.

So I got up and and we all started heading out of the office with them following me, including Charlize.

Never in a million years would I have ever guessed I'd see this person again who stood in the living room.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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