CHAPTER 4: It Should Have Been Me

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I have spent the last few days locked in this room that I am forced to call mine.

I am still confused as to why Taragon has been treating me the way that he has and why he told me what he did that day before Alpha Mort came home.

Nothing was as bad though as that argument between me and Mort as I could smell another woman's scent on him. Then the next thing I know, I'm trying to dodge the beating he gives me for asking a simple question as to why he wasn't with me the night before.

Soon after that, I was told my role in his life. All I can say about that is, I have to find a way to escape. This is no way to live. I mean, I should be happy. I shouldn't feel scared every moment I'm awake. My night terrors continue to get worse.

I try so hard to imagine I'm somewhere else. Some place where I am wanted, loved, cared for, appreciated and most importantly, with my mate.

Then to make things worse, right when I felt I had a friend here, he has left me and turned his back.

Everybody gives me looks of sympathy and pity but, I really don't want that and since I can't stand those looks, I don't make eye contact with anyone. Well, actually, I'm never supposed to.

Today was one of the few times I was able to leave my room but as long as I was being watched. I felt I had to get out and leave and since my wolf hasn't spoken much to me since I came here and am with Mort, she's been upset with me.

I take a walk outside and sit on the grass with my knees in my chest and after having Mort's guys remain at a good distance so they wouldn't hear me when I started to cry.

What did I do that was so wrong to deserve this life? This mate? Maybe forever I will always be nothing more than just a stupid pathetic, fat, ugly and unwanted runt.

I looked up at the sunset as I could see over the mountains in the distance ahead of me and smiled at how beautiful it was.

I began to wipe my tears while I headed back into the house and once inside, I heard a girl giggling and right away wished I never chose that moment to look up.

It was Taragon kissing a girls neck as he had her pinned up against the wall by the foot of the stairs and as he kissed down her neck, he stopped when he looked up and saw me. I quickly turned my head away and continued to grab something to eat from the fridge.

I guess you can say that's one good thing about this experience, at least I'm able to lose weight with not eating much. Maybe then my mate will want me.

After reheating some left overs, I sat down on the sofa and ate while watching some TV. Then after watching about two movies, I had heard that Alpha Mort just informed one of the Omega's to tell me to go back into my room and that he was on his way home.

That another thing of his. I was never to cross paths with him unless he needed me for looking good to others. So far he hasn't but, I fear the day he does....Hopefully I'll be dead by then.

I just nod my head before I begin heading upstairs and after the guy closes and locks the door behind me, I begin heading over to my bed where I start crying myself to sleep.

"You worthless piece of shit! Look at what you have done!" My father yells at me.

"You are such a disgrace! Why couldn't you have been more like your sister?! So beautiful! Perfect! Thin!" My mom yells at me as she slaps me hard across the face.

"I-I'm so sorry." I start to cry.

"It's your fault she is dead! Why couldn't it have been YOU that fucking died?! You should kill yourself!" My father yells at me.

"You mean NOTHING to me!" My mom screams as she punches me hard in the gut.

"Nobody will ever want you!" My father yells. "You're such a fucking disgusting, good for nothing, fat ugly whore that we are ashamed to call our daughter!" He spits at me with his arms around my throat.

"Dad..*cough* daddy please..." I try to beg through gasps to have him stop.

Suddenly I jolted up in bed, sweating and panting while feeling my neck to verify it was just a bad dream.

I was seven years old when my sister died. My parents were right, she's dead because of me. This might be just as good as it gets for me. Oh my god, that's why I'm being punished. How could have I forgotten?! I'm so sorry sis. It should have been me.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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