CHAPTER 14: More Confidence Needed

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I was waiting for Taragon to return after leaving for the meeting with the Elders a couple hours ago and was feeling a bit anxious after hearing Lesley start to announce to everyone that they have to meet at the house immediately.

I began to worry and wondered also why he hadn't mind linked me. But that's okay, I guess I'll find out anyways when he gets here.

After pulling into the driveway and walking inside, we could all tell he was worried about something.

"So what's going on?" Lesley asks.

Taragon looks at me and then at the guys before starting to explain.

"The Elders called me in for a meeting because,  they told me that somebody had escaped recently from confinement." He began.

"Who?" I asked.

"Horrace Jennings." He says.

Oh my god. That's the worst one that could ever escape. Then again, when in confinement, you are put to sleep and almost taken to a dream land type of place where you must relive all your crimes until you are either found innocent and are then released or are dead. Though it wouldn't matter if your were innocent, once you left there, you never would be the same.

"Holy shit!" Lesley states.  "This is not good Alpha. Do you know what that guy is capable of?" He mentions.

"Yes. We all know who he is and what all he is capable of. Now look, I know it's gonna be hard to spot him but we must try and remain on high alert. I want all of you to tell me immediately if you suspect anyone that could be him. Even if later, it isn't him, all kinds have been advised to tell the Elders and to take whatever actions are necessary." He finishes.

"How do we do that? I mean, he wouldn't come onto this territory. This is like sacred ground." I mention.

"Well the head elder told me that he actually is trying to find a way to get here. Supposedly he was the first Alpha of the Black Stone." I mention.

"This can't be happening." I say under my breath. Besides, I'm not as strong. It's been years since me and Penelope, my wolf, have done any fighting or training. I could cause so much damage and harm to everybody here.

When Taragon finished talking and everyone began heading out and back to what they were doing, I hadn't noticed Taragon walking up to me as I had my arms crossed and was looking down at the ground trying to make sense of everything we all had just heard.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks me.

"Yeah. I guess, I mean, I'm worried." I confess.

"Come on, let's go upstairs and talk." He says as he takes hold of my hand and we start making our way upstairs.

Once inside the bedroom, I turned to look at him and started admitting what I was thinking.

"Listen, I think that maybe I could unintentionally, of course, cause more bad than good." I began to explain.

"What are you talking about?" He asks me while looking confused.

"Well, I know you've been training me and that I've even gotten a little better but not enough to fight off something like that. What if he ever came and nobody was here and he...he...." I started to fight back tears at this point.

"Shhh." He says as he walks up to me and pulls me closer to his chest.  "Baby, that will never happen. Besides, remember what I told you? I want you always by my side. I mean, I'm sorry about today, I knew it was last minute and you were busy at the time, otherwise you could have come too and maybe I still should have waited...." He started.

"Stop. I didn't mean about today and the meeting. I just, I still am trying to do whatever I can to prove to you mostly that, I can be a strong and great Luna."

"But you already are all of that. The only one who thinks you aren't good enough is yourself. You have no idea how amazing you are. And I'm gonna make sure you see that. Just keep training with me and our wolves will continue training also and everything will be okay in the end. I promise." He tries to reassure me.

It does eventually work. Then we take a bath together before laying down for the night in each other's arms and falling asleep.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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