Boyfriend Material (Seungwoo)

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"Are you sure you don't want to come to the karaoke bar with us? " All the interns turned to look at you since you were the only one planning to go home. It was the first company dinner where all the interns were invited as it was the end of the first grueling week.

"Ah no its alright. I don't feel that I should be getting home." You waved off their invite with a smile.

"Do you want me to send you home?? My cars right over there." Chang Hun, one of the interns who seemed overly enthusiastic whenever he was around you asked. You could tell he had a crush on you but not wanting to lead him on, you were about to say no when you were interrupted.

"I'll take her home." A voice behind you said. Turning around you came face to scratch that face to chest to someone you knew.

"Seungwoo?" You asked softly. He looked down at you and smiled with his eyes as his mouth was covered. He pulled the mask down and looked over at your colleagues who were curious about his identity.

"Who are you?" Chang Hun asked. Rather rudely causing Seungwoo to smirk.

"Ah hello everyone. I'm Han Seungwoo. Her boyfriend. Thank you for taking care of her." He bowed slightly. "We'll be going now." He grabbed your hand and brought you over to his car. Once buckling you in, he went over to his seat and off you were to home.

"You shouldn't have told them your full name."  You sighed.

"They're not gonna relate me to anyone they know. Especially when I'm dressed like this." He said motioning to his outfit which made him look like a gangster.

"Your gangster outfit huh." You giggled causing him to smile.

"Hmm who would expect a CEO to walk around like this?" He looked over and put his hand on your forehead. "You're still burning up." Seungwoo sighed.

Once home, he directed you to the bathroom to take a shower. Then, he made sure you ate medicine and after that he motioned towards the bed and tucked you in.

"Aigoo look at my poor sick baby." He cooed as he placed a kiss on your forehead.

"I'm not too sick to hit you." You said grumpily. He smiled before kissing your cheeks.

"Now go to sleep." He said just as your eyes closed.

Waking up groggily, you looked over at the clock and that it was 5.30am. Touching the spot next to you, you noted it was empty.

"Seungwoo?" You called out. "Han Seungwoo?" You padded over to the living room when the front door opened and your sweaty boyfriend walked in. "Did you seriously go jogging?"

"Couldn't sleep. I kept checking if your fever broke. It did thankfully." He smiled. Aww he's so sweet. You went and hugged him. "Yah I'm sweaty!" He pulled you away but you just burrowed back into his body. Looking up, you tiptoed so you could kiss him.

"Thanks for taking care of me." You kissed his chest tattoo and he groaned.

"Yah, I'm still sweaty." He smirked and bent down capturing your lips.

"Well I haven't had a shower. Have you?" You asked cheekily before spanking his butt and running away. You could hear his laugh and his promise to catch you.

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