Clingy (Yohan)

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Putting your books in your locker, you felt arms circling your waist and a head rest on your shoulder. A familiar smell surrounded you.

"Hi Yohan

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"Hi Yohan." You greeted with a smile as he kissed your cheek in greeting. You turned around and gave him a kiss on the lips. "You're wearing your glasses today?" You pushed it up his nose for him.

"Yeah was too lazy to put contacts in." Yohan leaned down and nuzzled your nose. You laughed at his actions. He was so cute.

"Ugh do you guys ever stop?" Turning towards the voice, you came face to face with Hani's disgusted expression. Ah your best friend.

"Don't be a hater Hani." Yohan said gruffly. Here we go again. You wondered why the dynamic between these two ended up this way. They never did get along which irritated you. You'd really love for your best friend and boyfriend to be friends but somehow the two always butted heads.

"Oh I'm not. I just don't like to see her getting frenched by you. Anyways can we please just go to class?" She looked at you and gestured with her arms. You nodded and was about to go with her but Yohan pulled you back into him. He leaned down and kissed you thoroughly as Hani groaned in the background. He gave her a look of triumph as she fake gagged.

"Okay okay you two. Yohan go to your class, Hani come on." You kissed Yohans cheek and wound your arm around Hani's arm as you dragged her away from Yohan.

"I can't believe you became the one thing you used to hate and talk shit about!" Hani said annoyed.

"What do you mean?" You asked confused.

"Uh hello? We used to hate when couples packed on PDA in front of us. But now, you're that couple! Just because you started dating Kim Yohan. So you're a hypocrite." Hani said.

"That's mean! I'm not like those couples. They were disgusting! Yohan and I..we just..."

"Ah ah ah. Don't bullshit me alright. You're that couple.Youve become that girl." She said as you both sat down in the class. Your phone chimed and she raised an eyebrow before grabbing your phone and reading the message. "I rest my case." She returned the phone to you while rolling her eyes.

" She returned the phone to you while rolling her eyes

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