Job (Seungwoo) Part 1

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Seungwoo reached out to bring you closer to him but his hands were met with nothing but an empty space next to him. He opened one eye and saw that you were sitting at the computer typing away.

"What are you doing way over there?" Seungwoo asked softly but since you were too into typing, you jumped when you heard his voice. Turning around, you smiled at him.

"Sorry, my boss just texted me and he wanted me to send over one of documents cause he lost it." You pouted.

"Your boss is an ass." Seungwoo propped his head up on his hand as he looked at you. You let your gaze wander down his sheet clad body. You blushed as memories of what happened just a couple of hours ago invaded your thoughts. Seungwoo smiled when he noticed your blush, he could guess that you were thinking about what happened before the both of you woke up. "Come back to bed please." Seungwoo pulled out his puppy dog eyes. You groaned.

"Please don't tempt me." You blew a kiss at him and turned back to your work. Seungwoo smirked as he took that as a challenge. He grabbed his boxers off the floor and pulled them up. He walked over to you and grabbed the chair close by. He pulled it over behind you and leaned his head on your shoulder. "Seungwoo..." You said as he started kissing your neck. "I really do have to finish this." You sighed as he kissed your cheek softly.

"You know when you say these things I take it as a challenge." Seungwoo smiled against your cheek. "Plus how long have I been saying that you should accept my job offer? This job where your asshole boss doesn't do his own job.. leave it. You deserve so much more." He kissed your lips as he said each word.

"You're only saying that cause we're sleeping with each other." You cocked an eyebrow at him as he looked at you.

"Is that what you think? That I offered all the women I've been with a job in the company?" He tilted his head at you.

"Is that what you think? That I offered all the women I've been with a job in the company?" He tilted his head at you

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"Ah I remember that meeting." Seungwoo smirked.


"Y/N, I need us to nail this pitch okay?I worked too hard for this." Your boss said in a bored tone as he looked at his phone. You bit your lip from making a snappy retort. Yeah sure he did so much work... if sleeping was the work he had to do. You were the one that did all the work! Sleepless nights, having to stay at the office while others went home to their families. Yeah he did so much work.. fucking prick. "Ah fuck that asshole is here?" You heard him grumble as he looked over to the entrance of the waiting room. You looked up and your breath caught.

"Who's that?" You found yourself asking as you looked at the man who was smiling at another one of the guys he came in with. Your boss had a look of distaste on his face.

"That's Han Seungwoo. He's the co-CEO of X1 Enterprise. Always stealing our pitches." He groaned as he pulled out his phone and started typing fervently. "I didn't know they'd be pitching today god dammit." He suddenly stood up. "I'll be back." He walked out the door with his phone to his ear. You pulled your lip up in annoyance. You honestly needed a new job.

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