RBF (Wooseok) Part 2

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"When did you guys start dating?"
"Where did you meet?"
"How is he in bed?"
It's been a week since Wooseok suggested the both of you be in a relationship to make your lives easier but you've been getting questions left and right from people you knew but mostly from people you've never even spoken to or seen. The last question especially made you blush whenever it was asked.

You stood in line to buy food after a long morning filled with back to back classes. The whispering started again and you resisted the urge to groan loudly.

"So what are you going to buy?" You jumped when you heard a voice close to you. Turning around you noticed Wooseok standing right behind you. Ah, there was the reason why people were whispering.

"Hiii." You said. He slightly smiled at you and you resisted the urge to swoon. You've met up with him a couple of times the past week and it still amazed you whenever he showed an expression that was not his RBF.

"Hey, you look tired." He simply said as he pushed your hair away from your face. You never expected it but Wooseok was pretty affectionate. He would ruffle your hair, or run his fingers through it. "Were the notes okay? You can ask me if you don't understand anything." He said.

"It was a long morning. I didn't do so good on the practice questions." You said.

"First years hard cause of that transition from high school." You nodded. "You're up." He gestured towards the counter.

"Hi, can I have a bibimbap please?" You asked the lunch lady.

"Sure sweetie. Any drinks with that?" You nodded.

"A cola as well. Thank you." You said.

"Here's the ticket, just pay and grab your food, sweetie." You bowed in thanks. Wooseok grabbed your hand to grab the ticket.

"Sunbae what?" You were confused.

"Hi, one bibimbap with a bottle of water please." He said politely to the lunch lady. She smiled at him and printed the ticket. "Thank you." He stepped out of the line and gestured for you to follow him to the cashiers. "Hi, can I pay for these two?" He handed over the ticket and his card. You touched his sleeve.

"Sunbae, I could have paid..." You whispered.

"This is what boyfriends do right?" He grabbed his tray and gestured for you to grab yours. You followed him as he sat at one of the tables. You sat opposite of him and opened the can of cola to pour it into the glass.

"Thanks sunbae." You said sheepishly. He waved it off.  The both of you ate together quietly.

"Oh ho, who do we have here?" A guy placed his arm around Wooseok and sat next to him. Another guy took his place next to you.

"Ah if it isn't Wooseok and his gorgeous first year girlfriend." The guy next to you said. You blushed at his compliment but scooted away from him.

"Why don't you calm down. You're scaring her, Seungyoun." Wooseok said monotonously. "It's just my housemates Y/N..Seungyoun and Jinhyuk." He simply said.

"Ah hello." You greeted them.

"Dude, you should have cute pet name for her. She's your girlfriend." Jinhyuk patted Wooseok's back.

"Yeah, you should call her honey, baby or jagiya." The both of them chuckled.

"You're being weirdos. Move away from her." He gestured towards Seungyoun. His friends laughed in response.

"Eh dude, Jaejun asked me to remind me of the camping trip? He said you're ignoring his messages." Jinhyuk smirked. "I know he annoys you, but you should reply him."

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