Dad (Seungyoun) ft Baby Dohyon

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A loud cry startled you awake. You groaned and attempted to get up to go tend to your baby but an arm stopped you.

"Shh, I'll take care of him. You just go to sleep." You felt a kiss at the side of your face.

"You sure?" You asked your husband sleepily, not opening your eyes.

"I'm his dad so I should do some work." Seungyoun said getting up. You turned on your side facing him.

"Hmm you are. Milks in the fridge. Test it on your wrist after you heat it up." You stroked your hand down his bare back admiring his tattoos. Seungyoun turned down to look at you.

"I know baby doll. Trust me." He patted your butt and stood up as the babies cries echoed louder through the baby monitor. "Daddy's coming little man," he said to the monitor. "You go back to sleep." He said again before leaving the room.

Seungyoun walked into the room and noticed baby Dohyon standing up in his crib crying.

"Hey little man..hungry huh?" He asked picking Dohyon up and hugging him close to his chest. "You're getting so big." Dohyon let out a cry. Seungyoun sniffed as he noticed the smell. "I feel like you do this on purpose. Always a little pooper when daddy's the one who comes to get you." Seungyoun put him on the changing table. "Remember the first time I changed you and you decided to pee in my face?" Seungyoun thought about that time and chuckled. "Mommy was on the floor laughing instead of helping. She's mean isn't she." You laughed listening to the conversation through the monitor in the master bedroom. That was so funny that you wished you videotaped it!
Seungyoun changed him perfectly but Dohyon was still crying. "Shh it's okay, daddy's here. You must be hungry huh. Let's go get some food in your little tummy." He bounced Dohyon up trying to make the baby giggle instead of cry. Dohyon brightened up as his daddy swung him up. Once in the kitchen, Seungyoun placed Dohyon in his high chair. Dohyon let out a little cry at being separated from Seungyoun. "I'm just gonna get your milk buddy." Seungyoun stroked his hair before opening the fridge. He grabbed the milk and put it in the microwave to heat it up. He made faces at Dohyon trying to make him smile but Dohyon was a smart baby as once he heard the ping he started crying for his bottle.

"Arasooo, let me get your bottle." He checked the temperature on his wrist like you instructed. Once the temperature was okay, he grabbed Dohyon who reached his chubby little fingers for his bottle. Seungyoun walked up the stairs to Dohyon rooms and sat in the armchair there. Dohyon cried as the bottle was so near yet so far. "Okay okay kid, here." Seungyoun brought the bottle close to Dohyon who immediately latched on. His little hands grabbed the bottle as he aggressively sucked the milk. "Woah calm down. A little food monster just like your mommy huh." Seungyoun joked. You heard what he said as you were leaning against the door staring at your two favorite men.

"Hey!" You said in reply. "I'm not a food monster." Seungyoun looked up and smiled at you.

"Couldn't stay away huh?" You sat on the arm of the chair and leaned against Seungyoun. "Don't trust me?" He looked up at you.

"I trust you." You stroked his hair. "I just missed my little man and my big man." You kissed him. He returned your kiss. The both of you were kissing when Dohyon let out another cry. "Aww is my little baby done?" You cooed. "I wanna burp him." You held your hands out so Seungyoun could pass Dohyon to you. You put him on your shoulder and patted his back. Once he belched, you put his down in his crib. Seungyoun stood next to you as the both of you looked down at Dohyon letting out little yawns.

"Must be nice to eat and sleep and poop all day." Seungyoun chuckled at your statement. "Can you believe he's gonna be a year old in a couple of months?" You sighed.

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