Frat Spinoff (Seungwoo x Sam)

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"And how's Seungwoo baby bear?" You rolled your eyes at your dads question.

"How would I know." You grumbled. He cocked an eyebrow but you saw him smirk from the corner of your eyes. "Daddy, stop!"

"What?" He asked pretending to be innocent.

"I know you want him as a son. We all know it." You threw a popcorn kernel at him.

"Well I wouldn't mind him as a son in law, baby bear." Your dad continued on while your mother giggled away.

"You both are impossible. You know we haven't hung out in ages." You said softly.

"If you reach out to him, I'm sure he'd be there Sammy." You scoffed at your moms statement.

"Yeah right."


How was it that it still hurt seeing him dance with other girls or act like you and him were never anything more than acquaintances. You watched as Seungwoo danced with one of the sorority girls. You grimaced as he leaned down to listen to her before laughing loudly. You were too busy watching him that you almost missed your best friend running out past you. You saw Seungyoun push the girl who kissed him away. Cursing, you quickly ran after your bestie.

"Jamie, I'm sorry." You apologized as you caught up to her.

"It's fine, I'm so bloody stupid." She said about herself. Seungyoun came out and started apologizing to Jamie. You locked eyes with Seungwoo who came outside with Jax. Looking away, you caught it when Seungyoun said he was asking Jamie about whether she did his homework when Jax asked. You took her hand out of his and called them assholes before dragging Jamie home. Jamie was quiet the whole way and retreated to her room. You were worried because you knew she cared about Seungyoun. You had warned her about Chi Iota Nu guys since you had history with one. Your phone pinged. Well speak of the devil.

He never messaged you before this, so you assumed Seungyoun had told him about Jamie and that's why he messaged to ask about her for Seungyoun

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He never messaged you before this, so you assumed Seungyoun had told him about Jamie and that's why he messaged to ask about her for Seungyoun.

Telling Jamie about Seungwoo was never something you thought you'd ever do. It made you think of the conversation that ended your friendship.



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