Hands (Seungwoo)

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Looking at the way he was holding his phone was such a turn on. Seungwoo had such large hands and his fingers...they were so long. You loved it whenever he held your hand.

Seungwoo looked up from his phone and noticed you were in a daze. Suspecting that he knew what you were thinking of, he snapped his fingers in front of your face causing you to startle. Looking at him smile, you blushed.

"What were you dreaming about?" He asked leaning back against the chair.

"Nothing!" You said quickly which made him all the more suspicious. But Seungwoo could kind of guess because your blush had deepened, that it was something naughty. He moved his chair closer to yours.

"You know, your blush always gives you away." He whispered into your ear before kissing it. "So what is it?" He asked grabbing your hand and tracing your knuckles with his thumb.

"Um..." You couldn't think straight with the fact that Seungwoo was rubbing your hand. Seungwoo already knowing what exactly you were thinking of. He still thought of that night when you got insanely drunk and told him something that he'll never forget.

Back to that night....

It was a party with the rest of the group. The boys were celebrating Subins birthday so it was drinks all around. Even drinking games were being played.You being such a lightweight even 1 drink makes you insanely talkative and you even get a massive headache come on. That's why you rarely drink in the first place. You excused yourself to go to the bathroom but it was occupied. Standing up felt too much of a hassle at the time so you sat cross legged next to the staircase rails waiting for your turn. You had your head in your hands because you felt so dizzy. Suddenly you felt someone stroke your hair and then pull your face out of your hands."Hey baby, you okay?" Seungwoo asked stroking your face. You giggled as he caressed your cheeks."You know oppa...I love your hands." You grabbed one hand and put it up against yours. "You have such long fingers and your hands are just so...manly it's beautiful." You giggled comparing your hands with his. "You're so drunk right now baby." Seungwoo chuckled as he watched you admire his hands. His chuckles died down when you started kissing his fingers. And then his palm. Then you looked up at him with a smile."Love your fingers." Then you leaned up to him, got closer to his ear and whispered. "Especially when they're on me." Seungwoo grabbed you closer and kissed your lips. You sat in his lap and returned his kisses. Seungwoo groaned when you pulled his hair slightly. You being cheeky unbuttoned his shirt so you could caress your other favorite part of his body, his abs. Caressing down the hard planes and ridges, you smiled when Seungwoo moaned. Seungwoo let his hands wander up your back under your blouse and was about to unsnap your bra when..."Oh my god, get a room!" Sejun yelled at the both of you when he exited the bathroom. The both of you looked up to see him closing his eyes tightly and grabbing the wall to try and walk away. "Why oh why did I have to see this. Whyyyy." Sejun wailed. "Sejun, open your eyes and go down." Seungwoo said. Sejun opened his eyes but didn't look at the both of you as he quickly ran downstairs. You both listened as he complained about the two of you getting hot and heavy. "Hyunggg! We're at a party. You can play with noona at home! Come down now!" Byungchans voice screamed up the stairs. Seungwoo sighed. "Hyunggg!" Byungchan whined."Okay okay, we're coming." Seungwoo called out in frustration. He looked at the giggling You in his arms and smiled. He gave you a long kiss and murmured. "We'll continue this at home."

Present Day

"Do you remember Subin's birthday party?" You blushed at Seungwoo's question. The curse with your drinking or a blessing is that whenever you get drunk, you remember everything. So you did remember telling Seungwoo that you basically fetishized his hands. That make out session too. Oh did you remember that. "Looking at your face, I'd say yes. So I wouldn't lie to me, baby." Seungwoo grinned knowing he had cornered you.

"You're so mean, you know I do." You pushed him back.

"I know." Seungwoo nuzzled your cheek and kissed it. "I love that night. Nights when you take charge, are my favorite." Seungwoo grinned and kissed you. "I also know....you have a hand fetish." Seungwoo said just as Chan entered the room.

"WHAT? She has a HAND FETISH?" Chan ran out of the room telling everyone that you had a hand fetish before either of you could stop him.

"Han Seungwoo, I'm going to kill you!" You squealed in embarrassment as he ran out of the room.

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