Escape With You (Ft.Byungchan)

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"You sure it's okay?" You asked Seungwoo. You were at the boy's hotel room. They were all having a free day before moving on to the next city for their mini concert. Seungwoo stopped playing with his hair and grabbed his cap.

"It'll be fine. This city is a stop city, I'm sure no one will recognize us." Seungwoo replied. He looked down at you sitting on the bed worrying. He slowly pulled out your lip as you were biting it. "Stop worrying." He kissed your lips. "Plus didn't you plan things for us to do today?" He grabbed the paper that you had showed him when you first arrived. "The Screamer?" Seungwoo asked looking at you.

"Oh it's this escape room/haunted house thing.I thought it was cool." You shrugged. "I called in and asked if we could do it privately so no one else will join us." Seungwoo pursed his lips but nodded.

"Hyunggggg, what are you guys doing today??" Byungchan burst in. "The others are going to watch a movie. But I want to play." Byungchan whined. He grabbed the paper in Seungwoos hand and read it. "Oohhh can I join you guys for this?? Pleaseeee??" He begged.
"No." You stick your tongue out at him.
"I didn't ask you!" Byungchan stuck his tongue out at you. "Hyung pleaseeee!" He sucked up to Seungwoo.

Seungwoo couldn't say no when Byungchan pouted at him.

So that's what happened. Byungchan, Seungwoo and you were driven by their manager to the place where the Screamer was in. Byungchan and Seungwoo both wore glasses and caps just in case but since it was a weekday, it was pretty much deserted.

"Hello! Welcome to the Screamer! Can I have your booking ID?" You repeated the booking ID to the lady at the counter that was made to look like a motel check in. "Okie, so we've got you booked in. The actors inside won't touch you but they will try to interact, please interact with them as you go on okay? Each of you have a role. You." She pointed to Byungchan. "Your brother works here and have sent you a letter." She passed a letter to Byungchan. "You both are his friends who have accompanied him on this adventure. Now follow me to your room." The three of you followed her into the area which seemed to be made up like a motel hallway. It was a very eerie feeling. Byungchan was sticking to Seungwoo already scared. They were so cute with each other. The lady led them to your room and said, "Have a pleasant stay." She smiled weirdly before leaving.

"This is fine. It's fine." Seungwoo said as he looked around the room. You laughed at his expression. He was trying to be all macho but you knew he was wary of paranormal type stuff. You leaned up and kissed his lips much to his surprise. "What was that for?" You shrugged.

"Just cause. You're cute." He was about to respond when static filled the room and a demonic style voice started talking.

"Welcome my sweets." Byungchan jumped from where he was and ran to Seungwoo and you. "Your presence is much loved...try to escape my place before...well before I consume you." You translated the difficult words so the boys would understand. "Time begins now!"

"Byung, the postcard she gave you!" You asked as he handed it to you. Reading it, you realized the three of you needed a key to escape the room. Suddenly footsteps could be heard drawing closer to the main door. Byungchan screamed when the door thudded. "We need a key! Seungwoo find it!" The three of you checked around the room when Seungwoo yelled that he found it. He opened the other door and the three of you ran to the next room. There you were met with an actor who introduced himself as the concierge.

"I'm so sorry for this, but it seems that something has taken over our motel. Have you seen Eri? She's the cleaner. She knows the ins and outs of this have to find her!" The actor said and pointed around the room for you to find clues on where Eri would be. The key lead to the next room but you had to crawl. Now deciding who would go first was a predicament.

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