Job (Seungwoo) Finale

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Seungwoo stood on the beach watching you walk away and stayed there for a bit. You had kept so much stuff to yourself and he didn't even know.

"Excuse me." He heard a gruff voice say behind him. Seungwoo turned around and bowed noticing an elder gentleman in front of him. "You must be the man who my daughter was seeing." Seungwoo's eyes widened as he realized this was your dad standing in front of him.

"Ah, hello sir." He bowed deeper. Your dad scrutinized him from head to toe. He cleared his throat.

"Do you want to join me for a drink?" Your father said surprising Seungwoo. Seungwoo rubbed his neck and nodded. Your father put his hands behind his back and walked towards his favorite hangout. Once seated, he signaled the restaurant owner, a friend of his.

"Hoon, you're here early. And who is this?" The man looked at Seungwoo who was sitting nervously. "Ah...Y/N's boyfriend?" He hit Seungwoo's back in greeting causing him to wince. The strength of people living in the countryside was no joke.

"Hmm, makgeolli for us would be good." Your father said. The owner nodded and proceeded to bring the drinks. Your father grabbed the bottle before Seungwoo could. He quickly grabbed his bowl and held it up as your dad poured into it. He waited until your father took a sip and drank a bit. "What are your intentions with my daughter?" Seungwoo choked on his drink at the sudden question. He put the bowl down and coughed. "Are you going to marry her? Or are you just playing her because of who you are?" Your father was the type of person who never minced his words.

"I was not playing her. I would never play with a girls feelings. As for marriage, that's something i feel the two of us would need to discuss." Seungwoo said. Your father listened intently to his words. "But honestly...I do see myself with her for years to come, abeonim." Your father raised his eyebrow. Looking at his expression, Seungwoo backtracked. "Sorry, sir."

"She was with this one boy during university days..." Your father told him of Jaehyun and what he had done. Seungwoo's reaction to the story made your father feel content.


Seungwoo loosened his tie as he entered the family home. Honestly, he had wanted to go to his apartment but apparently when he asked the driver to pick him up, his mother had wanted him at the house. His mother came out and looked at him all disheveled. She went close to him and pinched her nose.

"Did you drink? Makgeolli?" She asked curiously.

"Why did you want me here?" He asked sitting down.

"Did something happen? Everyone keeps saying you've been acting weirdly these past few days. What's wrong?" His mom sat next to him and brushed his hair. "Is it the company?"

" you really like Hyera that much that I have to marry her?" Seungwoo asked. His mom furrowed her brows.

"I never said you had to marry her, but you're getting older. I would love to see a grandbaby right now." His mom teased. Seungwoo didn't react to that and she was getting concerned. "What's wrong?"

"I was dating a girl." He finally said.

"What? Who is she? Do I know her?" His mom asked. Seungwoo laughed sadly.

"You met her. She worked at my company." He said. His mom was getting more confused. "You met her and because of you, she doesn't want me anymore."

"What? Seungwoo, what do you mean?" Seungwoo sighed. He leaned his head back on the couch and closed his eyes.

"No, it's my fault. She was having a hard time and I didn't do anything but make it worse." He smacked his head.

"Seungwoo! You're not making sense! YEOBO!" She yelled out suddenly calling for his dad. Seungwoo groaned knowing his dad was going to come running. "SEUNGWOO'S BROKEN."

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