Workout (Hangyul)

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"Why can't you join me? I'm all alone today! Just come work out with me, Hyeongjun! Its not fun working out alone. Plus you promised." You said entering the Student Lounge while dragging a whiny Hyeongjun.

"I'm lazy! Id rather be at the dorms asleep

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"I'm lazy! Id rather be at the dorms asleep. Plus didn't someone promise me that Lena would be here as well? He put his bag down on one of the couches and sat down with a huff.You clicked your tongue and kicked the couch he was sitting on. "HEY! That's mean." He pouted. You smacked the back of his head and sat down next to him.

"Youre such a child." You said tying your shoelaces. "Why don't you get up of your lazy potato butt and work out for a better body! You promised you would hang with me until Lena got here. But this.." You gestured to his uniform, "Is not work out attire." You attempted to kick him again but he moved away.

'You shouldn't compare me to your lovely Hangyul Hyung with the oh so perfect six pack abs and tight butt?" Hyeongjun teased with a kissy face. "I mean I know Hyung has an awesome body, we've all seen it in the locker rooms. You've seen it too haven't you?" He asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"You're such a pervert. I have not." You defended yourself but you were lying cause you did see it. You had definitely seen it when you were walking by the corridor towards the female changing room and saw Hangyul at the open door of the male changing rooms cause he took his shirt off while walking in so you got a full frontal view of his chiseled chest and six pack abs.The sight of his body made you blush and become a hot topic when you told your friends what you had seen. You had run off immediately into the female changing rooms and some of your friends asked you why didn't you stay and watch or take a picture. But that would have totally been weird and creepy. You were not a stalker.

"Yeah right, you're basically thinking about him right now." Hyeongjun scoffed interrupting your internal thoughts about Lee Hangyul.

You were about to say something to him but he decided to look through the gym doors to see who was in there. His eyes widened as he looked through the glass doors. He hurried back towards you with a grin.

"Y/N! Y/N!" He grabbed your hands and made you stand. "He's in there alone! Now is your chance! Go and ask him to teach you how to use the equipment. Do what you're supposed to do and have fun!" He opened the door and pushed you in. You were speechless and stood there like a dummy for a minute after you realised what had happened. From the corner of your eyes, you noticed Hangyul lifting weights near the mirror.

"Bloody weirdo Hyeongjun." You muttered under your breath cursing him. Why would he leave you alone with Hangyul. Yeah you had a crush on him but never worked up the courage to talk to him. He was a bit of an ass you heard from the grapevine. You tried not to look over as he wore a sleeveless shirt that had a low cutout which showcased his biceps and body.

'Stop thinking about the asshole Y/N! You're entering dangerous territory. Seriously! ABORT. ABORT.'

Hangyul attempted to hide his grin looking at how flustered Y/N was once her cousin, Hyeongjun had left her. He knew Hyeongjun who was a pretty cool guy but Y/N was an aloof human being. He wanted to laugh out loud at what you wearing to the gym. You were wearing a tank top which was this ghastly yellow color with those track pants that look like bellbottoms. Dropping his weights after completing his reps, he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and wiped the sweat off his forehead knowing he would able to see you blush. You always did around him. Its not like he didn't see you that day when he changed in front of the changing room mirrors. He noticed your eyes widen at his blatant display of his body and laughed slightly. He couldn't resist teasing you cause he always knew you would react to it.

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