Your Ex (Hangyul)

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"I can't stand you." You said exasperatedly. Hangyul scoffed at your statement.

"And I can't stand you." He replied back. The both of you stared at each other for a minute before Hangyul cupped your face pulling it to him. You smiled as he kissed your lips.

"Such a liar." You mumbled against his lips.

"This coming from little miss priss?" He laughed. You punched him in the chest and he grabbed at it pretending to be hurt.

"God, such an ass." You shook your head. The both of you were in your room and you were supposed to be studying for the upcoming test.

"But you still like me." Hangyul grinned looking over at you.

"And I don't know why." You stuck your tongue out at him and he quickly kissed it. "That's so weird." You said with wide eyes.

"What do I say, my fetish is you." Hangyul joked. You were about to reply when your phone started pinging but once you saw the messages, you rolled your eyes and put the phone down without replying. Hangyul noticing that got curious because that was uncommon for you.

"Not gonna answer that?" He asked cocking an eyebrow. You shrugged. "Now I'm curious." He attempted to grab your phone but you held on to it.

"Hangyul no. Let go!" You tried to block him but he grabbed the phone and looked at the screen. You watched as his face changed reading the messages.

"He's still messaging you?" Hangyul looked at all the messages your ex sent basically asking you to dump Hangyul and come back to him. "Woah this bastard has some balls." Hangyul got angrier reading the texts.

"It's nothing." You sighed grabbing your phone. "Stop worrying hmm?" You asked him while smoothening his brows. "Your angry bird brows I swear..." You joked to get him to smile but Hangyul still looked as though he wanted to kill something...or someone. Grabbing his face, you brought your lips to his. You coaxed his mouth open because he was frozen in place. Letting your hands wander under his hoodie to touch his taut abs made Hangyul snap out of his angry thoughts and concentrate on you.


Shutting your locker, you groaned as you came face to face with the one you really didn't want to see. Jon stood there with what he thought was his most handsome smile but to you now it looked like he was constipated.

"Hey Y/N. You look exceptionally beautiful today." Jon smiled looking you from top to bottom.

"I really recommend you leave me alone." You attempted to walk away but Jon blocked you.

"Y/N come on, just come back to me. Why do you want to be with that lowlife when you can be with me?" He said which sparked your anger.

"Well this lowlife is gonna kick your ass if you don't move away from my girl." You looked at Hangyul standing behind Jon with Seungyoun and Dohyon. Jon's face paled but he cleared his throat before turning and putting his arm around your shoulders. You huffed and tried to push his arm off but he was pressing down on you.

"Lookie who decided to show up to school. Lee Hangyul, with his little gangster buddies." Jon really had a death wish you thought to yourself.

"Baby come here." Hangyul said nodding to you. Jon was still pushing down on you so you stepped on his foot and walked over to Hangyul as he held on to his foot. Hangyul wrapped his arm around you, tipped your chin up so he could kiss you.

"Seriously Y/N? Why are you downgrading yourself with this heathen." Jons' voice interrupted. "Do you really want to be his side piece so badly?" You clenched your jaw. Hangyul stepped up to hit Jon but you stopped him.

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