Wooseok Oneshot- President

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You were nervous, walking down the long corridor to the student union room. You were new, but the class rep who was generally in charge had asked you to run the documents down to the student body union room. You hated meeting new people, and now you had to take time out to do this? You were supposed to be back in your place in the halls, relaxing and watching 'Running Man' but instead you had to do her job. You knocked on the door, but there was no reply. Trying the knob which wasn't locked, you walked into an empty room. The class rep had told you that you needed to pass it to the Vice President urgently and to make sure it landed right in his hands. The urgency is why she asked you to do it cause she had an appointment in town. You looked around the empty room and noticed another door that had the President Plaque on it. You walked closer and heard a noise coming from it. The door was slightly ajar, so you peeked through it, hoping you'd see the VP so that you could leave.

Your eyes widened as you spotted a guy having sex with a girl who was on the desk in front of him. They were both still clothed, but you weren't naive. It was clear they were having sex because he was thrusting as she moaned very loudly. You blushed at the sounds and words that were coming out of the girl's mouth, but you couldn't get yourself to move and ended uprooted at the spot watching. The guy seemed somewhat familiar to you, so you watched his face to try and place him. His arms were flexing at the sides of the girl as he continued thrusting into her.

"Oh, Wooseok, harder!" The girl suddenly moaned out. She grabbed his neck and pulled him down, attempting to kiss him, but he turned so that she ended sucking his neck instead. "Oh, Wooseok, I'm close!" She continued. Wait, ...she said Wooseok. You gasped as you realized that was the name of the uptight president of the student union in the college. That's why he seemed familiar. Fortunately, the girl was too into it and was moaning pretty loudly, which covered up your gasp, but your eyes widened as you looked at Wooseok's face and noticed him smirking at you. You squeaked and quickly ran away through the giant doors. You couldn't believe you were caught being a voyeur.


"Y/N!" The class rep stopped you just as you were leaving class the next day. "Did you end up passing the papers to the VP?" She inquired.

"Um...there was no one there, so I left it on the table. With a note. I hope that was okay?" You said softly. The class rep waved you off.

"Oh yeah, that's fine! Thanks!" She said before leaving. You let out the breath you were holding and walked towards the lunchroom. You usually grabbed food towards the end of the day, since that'll be the time that there would be fewer people eating. You were new and often always ate alone anyways.

You sat down after deciding to eat bibimbap, which was one of your favorites. You had just put a spoonful of rice in your mouth when someone sat in front of you.

You coughed in shock as Wooseok tilted his head at you.

"Y/N, right?" He asked in a deep voice. Hearing him say your name caused shivers to run down your body. He smirked as he leaned closer. "Now, did you enjoy the show yesterday? You ran away before I could catch you, little one." You gulped as you stared at his face.

"I..didn't mean to. I was there to deliver the papers that the class rep asked me to. I..didn't mean to um..watch you?" You cursed yourself. Why the hell didn't you run away? Such a dumb dumb. He leaned closer, and you caught your breath at how good he looked even though he was hiding behind this nerdy persona. "Also I'm not little!" You huffed. Wooseok raised his eyebrow at your tone. He realized that underneath that shy exterior, a wild cat lay hidden.

"Well, a little pervert like you must have enjoyed it." Wooseok grinned as he noticed the widening of your eyes. "I'm sure people would be interested to know the new girls' interest."

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