RBF (Wooseok) Finale

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You gulped as you looked around the inside of the tent Wooseok had picked. Your mind went back to the conversation you had just 30 minutes ago.

"Y/N, if you don't want to, I understand." Wooseok said. You bit your lip and thought about it. On one hand, you saying no, might make sunbae look bad and then on the other, could you really share a sleeping area with him? Your feelings were running into pretty dangerous territory at this point. Looking around, you noticed some couples setting up and picking a tent. Even your friend, who just started dating with a guy in the club was cozying up to him.

"Um..I think it's okay. We did agree to be together?" You said unsurely. That's why you were now sitting in the tent. Wooseok came in and looked at your shocked face. He sat down in front of you.

"I told you that it's okay if you didn't want to share." You nodded at his statement.

"I know but that'll be weird to others. We're supposed to be a couple, so we should be sharing."  You said finally.

"I was right in approaching you." He said ruffling your hair. You smiled at him.  The day was spent practicing skills, and having friendly games. Dinner was pizza which was funny. You assumed campfire food, but no, cause accidents can happen.

"You change first okay Y/N?" Wooseok said through the tent opening and gestured for you to zip it up.  Hmm, what to wear you thought to yourself. It was that weather where it wasn't that cold but not that hot. Ah just a normal tshirt then with thin sweats.  You had taken a shower before dinner and it was just sleeping clothes. Once done, you unzipped the tent. You made a move to get out but Wooseok came in and zipped the tent up.  "It's cold outside. Just stay." Wooseok ruffled through his bag.

"But don't you want privacy?" You asked confusedly.

"You can just turn around. I trust you won't peek." He winked before grabbing the bottom of his shirt. Your eyes widened at the glimpse of abs and turned around facing the tent walls. "I'm done." He said. Wooseok was already lying down. You scooted a bit away and and laid down too. You fell asleep quickly as you were tired. A loud ring woke you up. You felt hot and realised you had wrapped yourself around Wooseok. "You're like an octopus." Wooseok said softly.

"I'm so sorry sunbae! I have a teddy bear so I tend to be wrapped around it when I sleep." Wooseok smiled.  He was about to say something but that shrill ring was heard again. He cursed under his breath.

"EVERYONE TO THE CAMPFIRE NOW." You heard Jaejun yell out. You crawled out of the tent with Wooseok behind you. The both of you walked towards where Jaejun was with the other seniors holding up a flashlight.  "Now for the highlight of our camp night, the courage walk. Couples are automatically paired up whereas everyone else will be paired up..by me." He grinned.  "Now, the objective is, to find the prize! There's tons out there and if each of you find it great! You'll get benefits! But watch out...the woods are haunted at night." He said in a spooky voice. Bloody hell.  Every couple only got one flashlight and off all of you went. You noticed the girls immediately cling on to the guys and laughed internally. 

You yawned and rubbed your arms, as it got colder during the night. You were startled when Wooseok wrapped his hoodie around you. You looked up at him in shock. He was wearing a t shirt as well.

"Aren't you cold sunbae?" You asked.  He shook his head. You attempted to take it off but he stopped you.

"Y/N keep it on."

"But I'm sure you're cold too!" You exclaimed. He shook his head. You sighed.

"Thank you." You said. While walking further into the forest, you saw him rubbing his arm and decided to do something about it.  You wrapped your arm around his and rubbed. He stopped and looked down at you. "You're cold too." You shrugged. You let your hand fall down to interlace your fingers with his. Honestly you were waiting for rejection, but Wooseok tightened his hold on your hand.

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