Protective (Hangyul)

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You walked towards the kindergarten where your cute little 5 year old was studying at. You missed his cute little face whenever he was away at school and couldn't wait for his big smile that just had the ability to clear away any fatigue in your body. What you didn't expect was to be greeted by a little boy with red eyes as though he had been crying. He sniffled as he grabbed your hand.
"Baby what's wrong?" You asked bending down to his level. You stroked his face as he continued looking down away from you. He then turned to his side and looked at the other children interacting with their parents. He started dragging you away to the car and you were shocked. Throughout the car ride, you tried to coax him so that he would tell you what was wrong with no luck. Once you parked the car, he ran out of the door and into the house with you calling his name.
"Lee Hansol!" You called out. Hansol wiped his eyes. His eyes widened seeing his father in front of him.
"Appa!" He screamed. He latched onto his fathers leg and hugged it. Hangyul bent down and picked his son up. He bounced him up getting a tiny giggle. Looking closely he noticed the puffy eyes, he swept Hansols bangs away.
"Hansollie, have you been crying?" At that question, Hansol started sniffling and he started crying. Hangyul started rocking him and tried consoling him but it seemed to make him cry even harder. He looked over at you, his wife for help but you shook your head. You didn't know why your happy go lucky baby was so sad. It was hurting you. You decided to call his teacher hoping you could get some answers. You walked to the kitchen and dialed the number for Hansol's teacher.
"Hi Mrs, Yang, it's Hansol's mom. I just wanted to ask if anything happened at school today?" You heard his teacher sigh and start telling you what happened. You were getting angry and sad. Some children honestly are such dicks. "Why didn't you let me know just now?"
"I'm sorry Mrs.Lee, he told me not to but I was going to catch you tomorrow after you dropped him off." You sighed and told her you would talk to her tomorrow. People need to educate their kids. Hangyul walked into the kitchen with a sleeping Hansol in his arms.
"Poor kid cried himself to sleep." He stroked the boys hair.
"Could you tuck him in? We...need to talk." You said causing him to look up at you. He took notice of your weird tone but nodded. He went to put Hansol in his car bed and came down to sit next to you. You had two glasses of wine out because you knew this was going to be a tough conversation to have.
"Well this is going to be heavy isn't it?" Hangyul said trying to lighten the mood.
"The reason Hansol cried today was because a few kids said something to him. They taunted him saying...that his dad doesn't love you." You shied away when Hangyul got up in anger.
"What the fuck?? Who's kids are these?! Fucking hell. I'm gonna take those fools downs." He roared angrily.
"Gyul..." You grabbed his hand bringing him down to sit back next to you. "You can't use your influence in these things."
"Why not? Someone hurt my son. My baby."
"We have to think about the reason why they're saying that. We have to...Why they said that..." You trailed off not knowing how to say it because you knew it would hurt Hangyul.
"You're never there Gyul. You never came for his sport's day,parents day and you didnt go for his dad's day.Thats why cause they never see you here for him." You finished. Hangyul felt like you had slapped him.

"You know i couldn't go because I was overseas.Its not like I refused to go.Its just time restraints, I have a job. You should understand." Hangyul said starting to get frustrated.
"I know Gyul but he's 5! He needs you now more than ever. We both need to here...." You reasoned.
"You act like I'm never here." He said stopping you.
"I didn't mean that! I mean that it's important to be a united front for our kid."
"So I'm basically the reason for his tears. The reason he is hurting is because of me. That's what you're saying right?"
"Hangyul..I didn't....." He stopped you.

You should know,I have a lot to handle at my dad's company.Do you think its easy? Do you know how many people are under X Corp?I HAVE SO MANY PEOPLE COUNTING ON ME." He roared at you.

"Lee HANGYUL! I didnt say any of that.I just said that we have to be there for him!" You screamed back at him.
"Are you being serious Y/N? Okay fine. I'm a bad dad okay? Done. I'm the worst dad in the world!" With that statement he stormed out.
"Hangyul!" You called out after him. You flinched when you heard the front door slam and tires squealing away. You sighed and downed the glass of wine in front of you.
"Mommy?" You turned at the sound of Hansol's voice. He came to you on the couch and climbed up to lean against you. "Is daddy mad at me?" He asked softly.
"No baby, he's angry at mommy. Mommy made him sad." You kissed his forehead.
"I'm sorry I was bad mommy." He pouted. You smiled softly at your little man.
"No baby, you aren't bad at all. Those kids don't know what they're talking about. Your daddy loves you so much. He just has so many people counting on him that he gets tired too." You stroked his soft hair.
"Daddy's a superhero." Hansol said with a toothy smile. You smiled back at him.

It was already 10 pm and Hangyul hadn't returned home yet. You debated whether to text him or call him but it never went through. You eventually fell asleep. You woke up with a start and looked at the clock.It was 1am and he still wasn't home.You felt thirsty so you decided to get water from the kitchen. Walking through the living room, you noticed that Hangyul was sleeping on the couch with his coat covering his body. Oh Hangyul. He always complained of his back hurting and you were sure this wasn't helping. You bent down and stroked his hair.
"Gyul babe, wake up. Come to bed." You said softly. He groaned and pushed your hand away.
"I'm fine. Go back to bed." You put your tongue in your cheek. He didn't even want to sleep in the same bed as you?
"Even if you don't want to sleep in the same bed as me, you go take the bed and I'll sleep here then." You said grabbing his coat and covering your face with it as you were on the verge of tears.
"I didn't say that." Hangyul said grabbing the coat and he startled when he looked at your teary eyes. He sighed and hugged you close to him. "I'm sorry I'm being an ass." He said kissing your lips. You relaxed into his embrace. "I just, I realised you were right. I'm a bad father." You shook your head and put your finger on his lips.
"You're not a bad father. He loves you so much. You're a great father and husband." You kissed him and he kissed you back. "I honestly shouldn't have put it on you, you're right."
"But something has to change." Hangyul decided.
Lee Hansol happily hung his painting and stepped back looking at it. It was Open Day and family could come and see what the kids have been up to. He sat down with the other kids waiting for the parents to come in.
"Okay kids, all your parents will be here in a while so behave." The teacher went out to guide the parents.
"Heh only Hansol's mummy will come. We've never seen his daddy. Both my mummy and daddy are coming." One of the kids taunted. He was the same child that had bothered him before. Some of the other boys snickered along which made Hansol sad. His best friend, Wooyoung turned towards the others and glared at them.
"It's okay Hansollie. My daddy said he's coming and he can play with both of us." Woo young tried to reassure Han Sol. Hansol smiled gratefully but he was fine since his mommy was coming and he knew his daddy was being a superhero at work.

"Kids, your parents are here!" Then all parents entered and their children started going towards them. Hansol craned his head trying to find his mommy and ran towards her when he found her.

"Mommy you came!" He jumped excitedly.He noticed his mommy was alone but he didn't want to make mommy sad by asking where his daddy is.
"Obviously," you said bending down to kiss him. "For my little baby. Do you want to know where daddy is?"
"Daddy is busy being a superhero." Hansol said in reply.
"Well I'm glad my little man thinks that." Hansol looked up and you smiled at the grin he had when he spotted his dad in front of him.
"Daddy?" He started sniffling. Hansol was so happy his dad had come. Hangyul bent down next to his wife and hugged his son.
"It's okay, don't cry bud, I'm here." He kissed his sons forehead and your eyes started tearing at the interaction. He stood up with his son and grabbed your hand pulling you close to him. "Do you want to show us your stuff buddy?" Hansol nodded while clinging to Hangyuls neck. He happily started explaining his drawings and crafts. You smiled and leaned up towards Hangyul to whisper in his ear.
"He draws way better than you." You teased. He playfully poked your side causing you to jump.

"Daddy daddy,come here." Hansol dragged them around,introducing them to his friends and showing Hangyul off to the kids who didnt believe his father loved him. "Woo young! My daddy came!" He said happily. Hangyul looked at Wooyoungs parents and fist bumped Seungwoo, Wooyoungs dad.
"Hey Hyung." Seungwoo smiled at Hangyuls greeting.
"Hey bud, glad you could be here." Seungwoo leaned close towards Hangyul. "I'm sure you're here just to clock the parents of the kids that talked shit to Hansol eh?" Hangyul smirked.
"Pretty much Hyung." The both of them shared a private laugh.
"Daddy daddy." Their sons called their attention to show them other things.

On the ride home,Hansol fell asleep as he was tired. You smiled and held Hangyuls hand in yours. You kissed his hand making him smile.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"For making our baby smile and being the best dad in the world." You smiled at his happy face.
Happy Saturday. Again keep safe with COVID 19 ❤️ Please comment! And LIKE!

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