Fight (Seungwoo)

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"I clearly told you! I don't like you hanging out with her!" You screamed at Seungwoo who was equally as angry.

"She's a friend! She's known us for a long time! How can I suddenly stop being her friend? You being angry like this...doesn't even make sense." Seungwoo replied. He ran his hand through his hair in exasperation.

Your fight about Hani had been going on since the first time you met her. The girl was the devil incarnate but none of the boys believed it, Seungwoo especially.

"You always defend her. And it annoys the crap out of me. Do whatever you want then." You sighed before going to the room and locking the door. Seungwoo angrily huffed but knew he needed to leave you alone. He grabbed his jacket and went to meet his friends.

Chat thread

Seungwoo: I fought with *you*. Who wants to go for a drink? Only the off age ones.

Seungyoun: me!

Seungsik: I'll be there in a bit.

Byungchan: meeee!

Everyone else: sorry hyung :(

At the pub, Seungwoo sat with the only 3 who were free to come with him.

"So why did you fight with noona?" Byungchan asked.

"She's angry that Hani is joining us this weekend." Seungwoo said before taking a shot.


"She just doesn't like Hani. I don't even know the exact reason." Seungwoo shrugged. "I mean we've known her for a long time. She's our friend. I don't know why *you* got so angry." Seungwoo took another shot in anger.

"To be honest Kira's not that happy either." Seungyoun replied with a shrug. "She just doesn't like her."

"That's why! I don't get it. I'm just annoyed that we fought." Seungwoo sighed.

"I'm sure it'll pass tomorrow." Seungsik said.

But it didn't. Somehow because the both of you worked, there wasn't anytime to sit down and talk. You were still angry at him whereas he was more annoyed than anything.

Then the morning of the getaway arrived and Seungwoo was driving you, Yohan and Dongpyo since the two were single whereas most of the others were bringing people. The car ride was pretty much silent. Saving grace was that Hani was not in the car with you.

"Shall we listen to songs or play a game??" Dongpyo suggested cutely trying to diffuse the tension.

"I can turn on the radio. Then you can sing dongpyo-ah. Yohan can rap." Seungwoo said turning on the radio.

You didn't like being angry. Honestly you didn't. But Hani had been hounding on Seungwoo ever since she came back. She makes it so obvious. To the guys, it's nothing cause she's just showing affection but to you it was so apparent. Girl was in love with Seungwoo....he just didn't know it. You were sure everyone was internally annoyed a tad that you were bringing the mood down which made you want to cry angrily even more than you already did.

The 3 boys were trying to lighten the mood by singing and rapping which was honestly the cutest thing ever. Yohan and Dongpyo recently met Seungwoo but they became really close fast which was sweet. Seungwoo being the youngest in his family but the oldest here, he had loads of people who look up to him.

You were sure you smiled many times cause they were just so adorable but Hani was always at the back of your mind causing your face to sour.

Didnt help that she kept texting him throughout the drive.

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