Secret (Yohan Oneshot) [M]

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"Guys! Please quiet down!" You walked up to the podium in front of the class. You took the ruler the teachers left there and then hit the podium while glaring at everyone, hoping they'd be quiet."Chin Ji asked you guys to shut up and listen." You said in a cold, monotone voice.

You were the class representative, as well as the representative for their year, which honestly sucked. Who knew college students could act like such kids. You stood next to Chin Ji as the poor girl stuttered her way through her speech."Class rep is scary." One of the guys in class whispered to his friend in front of him. He nodded and looked at you just as your eyes met with theirs. Your eyes were cold and sharp, and a chill passed through both of them.Then, the door opened, and a couple of guys sauntered in with swag. Everyone looked up and stared. The girls sighed and stared dreamily while the guys greeted them and looked on with jealousy. Yohan looked at everyone with a smirk, and then his gaze landed you. You had your eyes narrowed while looking at him."Yo, class rep. Why the glaring eyes?" He walked towards you and leaned against the podium, giving your figure a once over. "Kim Yohan, late again. With your friends." You put your hands on her hips and glared at him. Yohan's eyes turned playful, and his grin became wider. He was about to answer when the teacher walked in and signaled everyone to sit at their respective places.

Yohan watched you as you went and sat down at your table. You had your notebook open and were writing something in it, which captivated his attention. Hangyul turned towards his best friend wanting to say something but noticed him staring at you. Hangyul grinned and nudged Minhee, who laughed behind his hand. Both of them discreetly made a whipping motion, which Yohan caught out of the corner of his eye.He glared at both of them and watched as they both looked down avoiding his glare. You noticed their antics and smiled slightly letting your hair curtain your face.They were always so funny, but since everyone knew you as the "Emotionless Princess', you rarely showed emotion in school.
You were cooking at home and taste testing while doing so, when arms circled your waist and your husband laid his head against yours."You're heavy." You complained to him to which he replied with a chuckle. Your husband kissed your cheek first, then started kissing your neck and moved to bit your ear."Yah!" You exclaimed. He chuckled at the glare you sent him. His wife thought that her 'emotionless princess' act would work on him. He leaned down and kissed you .His hands travelled down your back and caressed your sides earning a moan.He smiled into the kiss.This woman,only he could bring this woman out. "I'm cooking." You whispered against his lips.He groaned and pouted but let you continue while leaning against the counter staring at you.You felt the weight of his stare and turned to look at him."Kim Yohan, why are you staring at me like that?" You asked your husband of 6 months who softly smiled. He leaned down towards you and kissed you ear."I love you,Mrs.Kim. Just wanted to say that." He shrugged before leaving you blushing at his actions.You changed into your pyjamas which consisted of shorts and a tank top.The tank top had Yohan's name since he had decided he needed to give you a gag gift on your birthday. He always pouted and became sad whenever you didn't wear it as he got you 1 for each day of the week,so to amuse him, you always did.Walking into the bedroom,you giggled to yourself spotting your husband,who was wearing glasses and reading a book.He only wore pajama bottoms to bed as he said he didn't like feeling stuffy while sleeping which you didn't complain to because you loved the view.His upper body was in excellent shape and you loved his tattoo even though they had fought about it.Right after the both of you got married, Yohan went and got a tattoo of your name on his shoulder. You had fought with him because people would find out if he ever went shirtless, and he argued because he thought you should have appreciated what he did. To please you,whenever he was at school or anywhere where the students of their school went, he wore a bandage covering it."What would people think seeing Kim Yohan,resident bad boy, taekwondo whiz, wearing adorkable glasses and reading a book?" You mused while poking his nose. Yohan put his book down and grabbed you.He pinned your arms above your head and smirked evilly."And what would people think,when they see,the 'Emotionless Princess' moan and succumb to the pleasure her husband always provides her with every single night?" He raised an eyebrow and used one hand to hold both of yours while the other hand explored down your body. Yohan worshipped your body. You werent stick thin or fat which arent terrible things but you were perfect to him.You had curves in the right places and your body always excited him."Yohan,let my hands go." You struggled but his grip tightened slightly just enough to make sure you wouldn't escape but not enough to hurt you. Both of your grandparents had been the ones who introduced the both of you to each other when you were 10 years old. What they didnt say was that they wanted for the both of you to tie the knot.At first,when they were both told of their arrangement,they were both 18 years of age. You had fired off and became mad that your grandparents did something like that to you. Taking away your choice like that. Yohan on the other hand was excited because he always had a crush on you. He loved you and was sure of it. That day, he had ran after you and tried to comfort you but was rejected. You had yelled at him for not backing you up. Yohan had become sad and asked you a question you still remember vividly."Am I that repulsive that you don't want to marry me?" He aked you quietly.You stopped and looked up at his expression with a frown."You want to?Marry me?" You asked him back not answering his question.He looked right into your eyes and nodded never breaking the eye contact. "Why?" You asked again"Because I love you." He stated. Yohan remembered that exact moment that your eyes softened and you sighed.You watched Yohan's expression while he pinned you down.He seemed to be so far away and his hand had slackened so you took your hand out and caressed his face. He snapped out of his musings and looked down at you."What were you thinking off Yohannie?" You brushed your thumb over his cheek as he leaned into your hand."The first time our grandparents told us we were to be married." He kissed your nose. "You fought tooth and nail against it.""I was scared, okay? I mean being suddenly engaged at 18 years old wasn't my plan Yohan." You sighed."I know,Jagiya.I remember everything." Your marriage had happened 6 months ago with only your family and Yohan's best friends in attendance. With your personality you didnt have any friends prefering to be by yourself. But for Yohan, his friends are like his brothers. No one else knew of your marriage and you asked for it to be kept a secret at university.You felt Yohan's hands started exploring under your tank top as he squeezed your breasts. He kissed your lips and tugged at them with his teeth."Han..." You whispered feeling your senses go on high alert. Yohan had such an effect on you which you loved and hated at the same time."Baby, let me do this, with you. Okay?" He whispered against your lips. He looked at your face when you nodded. You grabbed his head down to kiss him letting your control go.
At school,Yohan was with Seungwoo when he spotted you smiling and laughing.He narrowed his eyes spotting the guy in front of you who was able to ellicit those rare reactions out of you."Hyung,who's that?" He asked Seungwoo as he couldnt tell whether the guy was in his ear and Seungwoo knew everyone."He's my class rep and the Vice President in the Student Council.You didn't know?" Seungwoo asked raising an eyebrow at Yohan's tone."Name?" Yohan gritted his teeth when the guy moved your hair over your shouder."Jun Ki." Seungwoo said noticing the interaction. He knew Yohan was getting angry. He would too if a guy made a move on his girlfriend but this was Yohan's wife. Yohan suddenly stormed over when he noticed Jun Ki leaning into you.He grabbed Jun Ki by the collar and pushed him against the wall."YAH! You thug! What are you doing?" Jun Ki struggled pushing Yohan away. Your eyes widened as you watched Yohan's pissed off expression. Not wanting any commotion, you did the only thing you could think of."Yohan! Let him go!" You pushed his arm away but he didn't let Jun Ki go."Ill report you!" Jun Ki threatened. Seungwoo came over and pulled Yohan's arm off Jun Ki."I suggest you dont do that Jun Ki. Unless you want to get on my bad side." Seungwoo said glaring straight at the weasel in his class. Jun Ki gulped at the expression they both had. "Scram." Jun Ki looked over to you and hugged you before running away quickly.Yohan's vision started going red as he watched the bastard hug his wife.He was about to go after the weasel when Seungwoo held him back shaking his head."What the hell was that Yohan? Why would you do that to the Vice President of the Council?" You asked angrily.Yohan grabbed your arm and pulled you towards a vacant classroom.He pushed you in and signalled Seungwoo to stand guard so that no one came in. "Yohan! What are you doing?"You asked appaled at his behaviour. "We aren't supposed to interact in school like we know each other." That statement caused Yohan to snap."I'm sick of this!Why can't I tell everyone you're mine!" Yohan said, as his anger started to show."We both agreed! On keeping this a secret!" You fought back."This? So our marriage is a this? For you?" Yohan put up his hand showing his wedding ring.He never took it off.People assumed it was a couple ring with a girl from another school and never looked twice. "I never took this off.But you,you don't even have it with you." Yohan said through his teeth. "I'm the only one here in this relationship! You dont even give a fuck.""How dare you say that Yohan!" You furrowed your eyebrows at him."I can say that because that's what I see now Y/N! What am I? You're at home lover,while at school you have that Jun Ki guy? I thought I was the only person who saw the real you.BUT ANOTHER GUY MADE YOU LIKE THAT HERE.WHY? IS HE YOUR LOVER HERE AT SCHOOL?" Yohan then felt a stinging pain on his left cheek.He saw that you were cradling your hand to your chest. You had just slapped him because you got angry.He laughed harshly and looked directly at you. "Thanks for that Y/N. Now, I know where I stand with you." He walked out of the door leaving you shocked and shaken at the events that just transpired.

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