RBF (Wooseok) Part 1

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"Well what do you think of him?" Your friend asked. You turned around and noticed a guy at the counter. He was wearing a long coat and was checking out the menu before his turn at the counter. You caught a look at his side profile.

"He's kinda cute. He looks pissed tho?" Your friend shook her head at your statement.

"Y/N, it's called RBF. Resting. Bitch.Face." You laughed at her statement. Your friend leaned closer to you. "That's Kim Wooseok." She whispered. You tilted your head to the side thinking of where you heard that name before.
"Y/N, he's the club president." A light bulb went off in your head.

"Ah...yeah the scary one?" You whispered back. Your friend nodded. You looked towards him and noticed that he was walking towards a table near the both of you. You turned away quickly worried he'd catch you looking. Kim Wooseok was pretty famous in the tennis club. He was known as a genius player but you never saw him. He appeared at the welcome party, said his words as president and left. He came for competitions and that was it.  You didn't go for the welcome party because you were sick so this was the first time you saw him. He's an upperclassmen anyways so it made sense.  Wooseok sat at the table and grabbed his laptop from the bag. He had a raging headache but since Jinhyuk asked him to meet up, he couldn't refuse. He hoped no one would bother him until Jinhyuk came.

You and your friend watched as a group of girls entered the cafe loudly. This cafe was located on campus so obviously it was a hotspot.  They were obviously the girls from the sorority cause they were wearing clothes with their house emblem on them.

"Omg, girl look!" Your friend whispered trying to discreetly point. One of the girls walked up to Wooseok who was now wearing glasses and typing away on his laptop. He ignored the girl standing at the table until she cleared her throat.

"Hi Wooseok!" She said sitting down next to him. "Whatcha doing?" She said leaning close trying to look at his laptop. Wooseok pushed his screen down and crossed his arms. "Um, so I was wondering! So we're having a party at our house tomorrow, you should totally come." She continued.

"No thanks." Wooseok simply said and went back to his laptop. You cringed at his statement and watched the girls face fall. She huffed and stood up. She walked towards her friends who patted her back in support.

"Damn that was brutal." Your friend said. Wooseok looked up and the both of you quickly turned away.

"Maybe we should go." You whispered. Your friend nodded and the both of you grabbed your drinks and walked out. You looked back at Wooseok from outside and your eyes widened as he seemed to look right at you. Did he hear you guys? Nah, maybe he was just looking outside for the scenery. You shook your head and power walked back to the main building.

You stood at the side of the court waiting for your turn at practice. It kinda sucked that newbies had the least amount of time cause the seniors booked up all the times.

"YAH NEWBIES. PICK UP THE BALLS." The Vice President, Jaejun yelled out.

"Ugh such an asshole." One of the guys next to you whispered. He was right. Jae Jun abused his power as the senior, he basically made the new members all pick up after the seniors, clean everything and he was a notorious flirt which annoyed you to no end.

"Hey Y/N," Ugh speak of the devil. "So, what about you and me, dinner, tonight? At my place?" He winked. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes but you subtly stepped away. He was getting a little to close for comfort.

"Sorry, I have plans." You said. He chuckled and stepped closer to you.

"Oh come on, I know you don't have a boyfriend. So, you and me should hook up." Oh god, what the heck is up with this dude. You took a step back but he seemed to follow.  "Come on, Y/N. You'd be so popular cause you'd be dating a cool upperclassmen." You once again took a step back but this time, your back hit something hard. A hand snaked around your waist to make sure you didn't fall. You looked up and your eyes widened because the person you had stepped into was Kim Wooseok. He wasn't looking at you but instead had his RBF trained on Jaejun.  "Woah Kim Wooseok is here!" Jaejun exclaimed. "Dude what's up?" He raised his hand up for one of those guy handshakes but Wooseok ignored him. You realised his arm was still around your waist but you were frozen in place. Jaejun put his hand down. "So, why are you here? Practice is almost over."

"I'm here to pick up my girlfriend." Wooseok simply said.

"Woah dude, you have a girlfriend. Damn breaking everyone's hearts man. So who is it man? And maybe you should let go of Y/N cause your girl might get the wrong idea." Jaejun said gesturing towards Wooseoks arm around your waist. You felt the heat of his front against your back so you were distracted.

"Sorry I was late baby." Wooseok said placing his finger under your chin. He lifted your chin up and placed a kiss at the side of your mouth. Your eyes widened at the action.  "Sorry." He whispered softly to your ear and stood up straight.

"You're dating Y/N? Wha? When did this happen?" Jaejun said in shock.

"Why don't we go?" Wooseok said addressing you. "I think practice is done." He said. He released your waist and grabbed your hand. You snapped out of the trance you were in and noticed everyone looking at the both of you.

"Um..." You were confused. Wooseok walked towards the bench and gestured to it.

"Which is your bag?" He asked. You walked towards it and was about to grab it but Wooseok beat you to it. He lifted up your bag in one hand and held your hand in the other. You followed him as he walked out of the court and towards the courtyard.

"Um...I'm sorry sunbae?" You said once he stopped walking. He sat on the bench and gestured for you to sit as well which you did.

"Y/F/N. 1st year, science department right?" Wooseok said. You nodded absentmindedly. "I'm Kim Wooseok, 3rd year science." Wooseok said. You were getting confused.

"I know who you are sunbae. But um..what was that back there?" You asked. Wooseok still had his classic RBF on so you couldn't decipher his emotions at all.

"You looked like you needed saving from Seo JaeJun." He shrugged. "He's annoying huh." You nodded furiously.

"He is. And thank you for that. But why did you call me your girlfriend?" Wooseok smiled at your statement.  He leaned close to you.

"Frankly, I think you and I could help each other out. You see, I need a girlfriend. And I think you need a boyfriend. To keep Seo Jaejun off your back." He simply said.

"But so many girls like you." You said. Wooseok rolled his eyes.

"Yeah no." He shook his head. "So what do you say? I'm not forcing you, but being in a relationship will help keep them away from me. As for you, well, I could give you my notes for the classes you're taking." He offered. Your ears perked up at that. Honestly, you were finding university tough because the tutors expected so much. Living away from home, and essentially coming to a place where you knew no one, having a senior who knew the classes would be helpful. You bit your lip and thought about it. He placed his hand on your chin and pulled the lip you were biting so you wouldn't bruise it.

"What would happen if you find a girl you like?" You asked.  Wooseok tilted his head. His hand stroked your cheek softly.

"That's not likely to happen. But, if you find someone you like and want to date...we can end this pretty easily. So..for now, what do you say?" He asked.  You looked at him and noticed the slight smile on his lips.

"You know what...okay." You finally said.
Surprise! I feel like RBF Wooseok is normal. 😂 I wish I had a RBF, cause I'm so tired of people taking advantage of me. Please comment, like the stories!
I also have a ko-fi account if anyone wants to buy me coffee (med student life)!  —> https://ko-fi.com/dontlockmeup_seungwoonie

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