Job (Seungwoo) Part 3

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Seungwoo was distracted. He knew it, Seungyoun knew it. He was very short during the meeting and everyone was afraid of him. Once the meeting ended and they got into the car, Seungyoun turned towards him.

"You okay Hyung?" He asked as Seungwoo stared at his phone screen.

"She hasn't replied. I don't know if she's pissed or sad. Fuck. And I bailed last night cause of my mom."

"But aren't you meeting her today?" Seungyoun asked. "Is it after the design team dinner?" Seungwoo looked at him confused.

"They're having a team dinner today?" Seungwoo tried to rake his brain to remember whether you had told him about having dinner today.

"Yeah, they're going to Arisa according to Mingyu," Seungyoun smirked. "We could go to Arisa if you want." Seungwoo thought about it and nodded.

"Why not. Maybe she's too busy to reply, and at least then, I can bring her home." Seungwoo said.


Seungwoo walked in with Seungyoun and a few of the other execs in the company. He craned his neck and noticed the large table at the corner of the restaurant where Hyera was sitting with the rest of the design team. He scanned the table and noticed you weren't there. He frowned but followed the others to approach the team. Mr.Seok saw all the big wigs of the company approaching their table and stood up.

"CEO Han, and CEO Cho!" He greeted them with a bow as the others stood up to bow to the execs.

"Ah hello, I see you all are having your team dinner," Seungyoun said while Seungwoo silently looked around the restaurant trying to spot you.

"Yes sir! We didn't realize all the execs frequent this restaurant as well." Mr.Seok said. It was getting rather uncomfortable as Seungwoo kept quiet letting Seungyoun do all the talking.

"It's close by," Seungyoun answered. Seungwoo not being able to find you decided to bite the bullet and ask about you.

"Is this your whole team?" He asked. Mr.Seok started sweating and Seungwoo furrowed his brows.

"What do you mean Seungwoo?" Hyera asked. Seungwoo turned towards her as everyone looked between the two of them. At the company, Hyera usually addressed Seungwoo by his title but they were outside the company and she dropped all formalities.

"The new hire isn't here? The one who gave the presentation." Seungyoun answered her question instead. Mr.Seok wiped his sweaty brows. He didn't invite Y/N to the dinner because he did not want her to be integrated into the team. He thought she was an unfair hire and therefore worthless.

"Oh Y/N! She said she was sick and did not want to join us. I think today was just very stressful for Y/N. Not exactly a team player." Mr. Seok sighed as though he pitied Y/N. Seungwoo tightened his jaw thinking that was not something you should have done. Team dinners are essential and encouraged at X1 Corp. Seungyoun noticed Seungwoos' expression.

"Well, we wont keep you any longer. Consider this dinner paid from us." Seungyoun nodded. Mr.Seok and the rest of the team thanked them profusely. Seungwoo had dinner with the boys but had messaged you about whether you were home or not. You didn't reply him, which was starting to get on his nerves.


You noticed the messages Seungwoo had sent you but honestly, you didn't want to talk to him right now. Especially since your mind was thinking about your job.

 Especially since your mind was thinking about your job

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