Gang (Seungyoun)

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"Jagi!" You heard a voice call out as you sat at a swing. Footsteps approached and a figure crouched in front of you. Looking down you faced your late boyfriend.

"You're late." You said with your resting bitch face.

"I'm sorry." He cooed. You pushed his hands away and stood up. He stood up as well and you had to look up at him as he was way taller than you. He leaned down and kissed your lips. "I'm going to keep kissing you until you smile." He murmured against your lips as he put his arms around your waist pulling you closer.

"You're so weird." You mumbled as he kept kissing you. You bit his lip softly and he groaned as he let you go.

"And you're mean.What a pair we are." Seungyoun smiled as he put his arm around your shoulder. "Let's go eat." He gestured towards the restaurants down the road.

"Well well well. Lookie who we have here boys." A voice interrupted. "Cho Seungyoun." The both of you turned around and came face to face with 5 guys.

Seungyoun pulled you behind him and whispered, "Call Seungwoo hyung now." He passed you his phone quickly. "Jin." Seungyoun addressed one of the men. The guy known as Jin stepped up. You quickly called Seungwoo and got him on the line.

"I can't believe we caught you here all alone." Jin laughed. "Well not entirely alone." He leaned away so he could see you behind Seungyoun. "Wait a it's true. You're dating a cops sister!" The others laughed. "*You*, your brother and I are very well acquainted. Asshole keeps coming on to us." Jin spit to the ground. Seungyoun tightened his hold on you. "Such a lucky day today. 2 birds with 1 stone eh boys?" He gestured towards them as the other 4 came closer. Three of the guys grabbed Seungyoun as one pulled you away from him. Seungyoun struggles against the three holding him and got a few punches in but still 3 against 1 was hard.

"Jin, your problem is with me. Not her. Let her go." Seungyoun reasoned looking towards you. Jin put his hand on his chin and smirked.

"Kneel and maybe I'll let her go." You struggled against the idiot holding you. Not one to keep silent you kicked his junk but as he fell down he grabbed your ankle. "Your girlfriends as feisty as you are." Jin said as he quickly grabbed her. "So what's it gonna be? Kneel or maybe I'll have some fun hurting the both of you." You struggled against him but that caused Jin to hold you tighter. That's going to bruise, you thought. "Stop struggling. If it wasn't for your boyfriend beating up my boys last night, we wouldn't be here." That made you stop struggling as you looked at Seungyoun who looked sorry. One of them kicked Seungyoun down on one knee. Jin gestured to the ground as Seungyoun clenched his jaw. He couldn't fight back in case Jin did something to you. "Kneel." Jin said.

"And why would he do that?" You looked up and noticed Hangyul,Seungwoo,Yohan and Wooseok appear. Hangyul And Seungwoo grabbed at the ones holding Seungyoun while Yohan and Wooseok approached the ones holding you.

Jin released you and stepped back as Yohan pulled you behind him.

"Fuck, do you guys have trackers on each other?" Jin cursed. "Well I guess it's a fair fight anyways." Jin said as he suddenly threw a punch at Wooseok. From then,all hell broke loose. The boys were fighting against the ones in Jins gang. Yohan had pushed you out of harms way. This was getting out of hand. So you took out your phone and pressed the siren button your older brother had installed.

"Police, lets go." Jin ordered his minions. "This isn't over!" He looked at the X1 boys as he ran away. Seungyoun came over to and bent down checking you over for any injuries. Pushing his hands away you stood up.

"*You*, I'm sorry." He apologized while stroking your hair.

"Sorry?" You scoffed. "You told me you couldn't make our date last night cause you had to help Hangyul. But you were fighting. And you know how I feel about that!" You said angrily.

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