Party (Seungyoun)

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"People will come to your house Y/N!" Your best friend/cousin Hani said. She was trying to convince you to have a party at your place. Your parents were out of town for a week and so your house was available.

"But I don't want people to come over." You said to her.  Your parents told you it was fine as long as it was controlled especially since Hani asked but you just didn't want to.

"Y/N, that's why we're not popular." Hani exclaimed. You made a face at her statement and shook your head. You didn't care honestly, it didn't matter to you. Your aim was college next year with your boyfriend.

"You're no fun, Y/N." Hani pouted. You shrugged it off not caring what people think of you anyways.

A couple of days later.....

"You sure you're okay bubbles?" Your boyfriends voice echoed through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm fine! You go have fun at your college party." Seungyoun laughed at your monotone.  He wanted you to come with him but your parents told him that you needed to stay home that night.    You heard the doorbell ring and knew it was Hani. She planned to come over and have a sleepover.  "That's Hani. Be safe." You said to him.

"I will baby, love you. I'll text once I'm home." He said. He sounded out a kiss through the phone and you laughed.

"Okay weirdo, love you too." You said before hanging up. Hani kept ringing the doorbell and you groaned. "Yah Go Hani. I'm coming okay, chill." You yelled out. You opened the door and your eyes widened at the scene in front you. Hani was standing there sheepishly with a bunch of people.

"So your parents said we could have a party!" She exclaimed suddenly. Everyone else hooted as they started stepping in through the door.

"Hani what the heck?" You exclaimed loudly. People started playing music and you groaned.

"Y/N, aunt and uncle said it was okay! Come on let's just enjoy senior year please!" Hani grabbed your hands and started jumping. "It's gonna be fun!"

"I'm going to regret this." You sighed as you were dragged to the kitchen. Suddenly, the kitchen top had been filled with pizza, soft drinks and chips. Well at least there was no alcohol. Chaos always happens when alcohol is involved.

Your head was hurting from the music being played. You had walked upstairs and made sure all the doors were locked. You did not want anyone to go into one of the rooms and have sex. You've seen some of these people at the other parties and that was not gonna happen here. Your phone vibrated and you noticed Seungyoun reply to your text.

  Your phone vibrated and you noticed Seungyoun reply to your text

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Seungyoun called you immediately after that message.

"What?" You said angrily. Seungyoun gulped at your tone.

"Bubbles, okay I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But your parents seem to think this will be great for your senior year. It's your last year of high school baby."

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