Massage (Seungwoo)

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You looked up as Seungwoo walked into the room with a big sigh. He was holding on to his back and had a pained expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" You asked setting aside your laptop and sitting up higher on the bed to lean against the headboard. Seungwoo started doing some stretches before answering you.

"My back hurts." He winced again when he hit a sore place.

"Did you try to lift more weights that you could?" You asked him with a raised eyebrow. At his sheepish grin you knew the answer. "Oppa! You can't do that!" You nagged.

"Well Sejun was betting that he could lift more than me. I had to show him didn't i?" He said while flexing.  "I am the leader."

You shook your head. Honestly boys were so ridiculous.Seungwoo winced again when he felt another strain hit him. "Babe, can you give me a massage?" Seungwoo pouted to you.

"You're such a baby." His pout deepened even more. "Okay come on." You patted the bed. He grinned and unbuttoned his shirt causing you to blush.

"We've been dating for a year and a half...and you still blush." Seungwoo grinned. He pinched your cheeks and cooed at you. You glared while he continued on.

"Han Seungwoo, if you don't stop now, I'll kick you." Seungwoo stopped and kissed the cheeks he pinched making your face hot.

"So cute. And I'm your oppa, jagi." He kissed your nose before lying down in the middle of the bed.

"You're so weird." You smacked his back playfully before going to grab the medicated oil your mom sent over.

"Ah! That hurt!" Seungwoo pouted at you with his face turned towards you. You laughed at him..honestly sometimes he could be so cute.

Pouring the oil on his back, you started kneading his lower back. It was fine at first but Seungwoo kept groaning in pleasure causing your blush to deepen.

"That feels so good." He sighed.

"Seriously though, you shouldn't lift more than you can. I don't want you hurt." You said.

"I know but I can handle it." You pushed harder cause him to groan even more.

"Yeah right. You're getting old oppa." You replied. "You shouldn't...ooopp!" Seungwoo pulled you down below him.

"Did you just call me old?" Seungwoo leaned down caging you. You were about to reply but noticed that your hands were on his lower stomach...quite close to..*ahem*. You removed your hands and blushed deeper. "Still so shy." Seungwoo chuckled. "So red." He nuzzled your cheeks and kissed you.

"You're weird." You replied covering your eyes in embarrassment.

"Why are you hiding that beautiful face?" Seungwoo grabbed your hands and link his fingers with yours.

"Because you're teasing me." You pouted. Seungwoo smiled and captured your lips with his. He loosened his hold on your hands and you freed them. You ran your hands through his hair and down his muscular back. Seungwoo repositioned himself so one arm was supporting him above you and the other was stroking your cheek. Things were getting rather hot and heavy when....

"Hyung!" Byungchan barged in causing you to push Seungwoo off in shock. He fell off the bed because he wasn't prepared. Byungchan noticing the situation closed his eyes quickly just in case.

"Ah fuck." He groaned rubbing his tail bone. He glared up at Byungchan who was peeking through his fingers. "Byungchan! What did I say about knocking?" Seungwoo asked while getting up. Byungchan grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry Hyung. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to play games with us." He said rubbing his neck. "But I can see that you're I'll just..." he slowly walked backwards and closed the door. You laughed at the situation that you both ended up in.

"That kid seriously." Seungwoo shook his head.

"That's what you get for giving the guys a key to our apartment." You poked him.

"'Nevermind where were we?" Seungwoo asked leaning in to kiss you again. You covered his mouth with your hand.

"Well I was about to go play a game.I don't know about you." You grinned. Giving him a quick peck you jumped up and went out to the living room with him on your tail.

Seungwoo grabbed Byungchan by the neck and rubbed his head for ruining the moment between the two of you.

"I'm sorry Hyung!" Byungchan begged while the other boys joined in to their wrestling game.

It was a fun night just playing games in your household.
Thank you for your support! (buy a coffee for a med student) ❤️

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