Chuseok Special (Wooseok, Byungchan and Seungyoun)

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"Hey!" Wooseok popped up shocking Byungchan who was busy looking at his phone

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"Hey!" Wooseok popped up shocking Byungchan who was busy looking at his phone. Byungchan jumped in response causing Wooseok to laugh. "That's what you get for not observing your surroundings." He hugged Byungchan who had opened his arms. Byungchan lifted Wooseok up as he was shorter than him.
"Missed you hyung!" He exclaimed after letting him go.
"Missed you too you giant giraffe." Wooseok said affectionately. Byungchan pouted at the nickname causing Wooseok to laugh at his expression. "Should we go eat?" Both of them walked over to the street and in about no time at all, they noticed some fans following them.

"You're so handsome!" One of them exclaimed at Wooseok

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"You're so handsome!" One of them exclaimed at Wooseok. He bowed in thanks. "Could we get a picture?" Another one asked.
"I'm sorry we can't take pictures but I could sign something for you?" Wooseok suggested. The fans eagerly agreed and he started signing papers and answering questions.
"How was your surgery?"
"Oh it was fine. I'm in recovery now." Wooseok smiled.
"That's great!" They all exclaimed. He approached one girl who was looking through her bag. She looked up and pouted.

"I don't have any paper." She said. Wooseok looked down and noted her phone model.

"Why don't I sign in the notepad on your phone?" She nodded enthusiastically and handed him the pen after unlocking her phone.

"Thanks for supporting X1!" He smiled. After Byungchan had finished signing, they excused themselves to go find the restaurant.

Once they were in the restaurant, they got seated at the hidden corner which let them be away from prying eyes.

"Congrats by the way." Wooseok said.

"About?" Byungchan asked.

"About the fan meeting being sold out! Seungwoo hyung was pretty excited!" Wooseok replied. Byungchan smiled.

"Yeah the whole teams pretty excited!" They both talked about life since PDX101.

"Why don't we take a selfie?" Wooseok said suddenly. Byungchan nodded and they took tons of pictures and were looking at them. Wooseok decided to send them to someone.

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