Nerd or Not (Seungwoo)

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"No way!" Kai Li squealed next to you almost causing you to fall off the chair as everyone else around you shushed the both of you. You were in library with Kai Li as she asked you to accompany her to prepare for the study groups.

"What is wrong with you?" You whispered to her.

"Han Seungwoo is in our study group." Kai Li looked at you with a disgusted expression. You cocked an eyebrow at her expression.

"So?" You whispered back.

"So? SO?" Her voice got louder as everyone looked at the both of you again. Not wanting to get kicked out, you started gathering your books and hit Kai Li with one of them gesturing her to get up. Once out of the library, you turned to her.

"It's funny that you asked me to study with you in the library, but the one who decided to be loud and almost kicked out is you as well." You flicked her forehead as she pouted at you.

"But I can't believe we don't have any good looking guys in our study group! But Han.Seung.Woo? That guy..." She shuddered.

"Kai Li.Stop being mean. He never did anything to you." You said. Kai Li groaned as the both of you started walking towards the study cubicles available for students. Kai Li pulling one open not even checking whether anyone was inside, silently cursed upon noticing who was sitting there.

Seungwoo looked up when the door opened. You smiled at him, "Sorry Seungwoo, we're just looking for a free cubicle." You apologized. "We'll leave you to it."

"It's okay. But um, I took the last cubicle available. Everyone's studying as well. If you guys want, you can just use it with me?" He said shyly. You immediately agreed to Kai Li's dissapointment. She showed it when she grabbed the chair and placed it as far away from Seungwoo as possible. You glared at her as you took the seat next to Seungwoo.

"I hope it's okay." You asked him. He nodded and looked back at his laptop. You kicked Kai Li under the table as she mocked him. Pointing at your book and then at hers you signaled her to shut up and study.

As you were stuck on one question, Seungwoo looked over and your eyes met.

"Need help?" He whispered as you nodded. Seungwoo showed you how to do the question and you immediately understood.

"Thanks Seungwoo." You smiled at him. Kai Li sighed loudly causing the both of you to look at her. Kai Li smiled weirdly at you before standing up and grabbing her books.

"Come on *you*, let's go eat. I'm famished!" She said as she urged you to quickly pack up your stuff. She grabbed your hand and dragged you out.

"Kai Li!" You admonished her once outside.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you made us sit there with Han Seungwoo. The kid who's an absolute weirdo. The one who nothing looks good on! His hair is greasy, and formal clothes! They're supposed to look good on people, but on him..ugh." She shuddered.

"Kai Li, thats not right. He's sweet!" Kai Li scoffed.

"Girl, do we need to get you glasses? Also, you have a boyfriend whom I HAVE YET TO MEET." Kai Li ranted. She suddenly clapped her hands together. "I know! You can bring him to the meeting tomorrow! Everyone's going!" She gushed. You tried to stop her but she just kept on talking.

How were you going to ask your boyfriend who didn't feel comfortable with people he didn't know? Plus, one little point that you had to remember.


Keying in the code to his apartment, you called out, "Boyfriend, you home?" You asked placing down the food you had bought.

"You bought food? Yay!" Subin cheered as he hugged you happily. "What did you buy?" He asked as he looked over the food you bought. Suddenly Subin got pulled to the side into another pair of arms.

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