Facial (Yohan)

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"Why do I have to go with you?" Yohan whined. "I'll just wait here OR ill go sit in the cafe, please jagiya." He brought out the puppy eyes. You had booked a couple facial as your favorite place was having a promotion. Yohan never got a facial before and was skeptical.

 Yohan never got a facial before and was skeptical

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"Come on, I've already booked it." You pouted. The both of you were standing outside the store. Yohan looked at the storefront which was all flowery and girly then back at you. He sighed and nodded. You squealed in excitement. You gestured for him to bend down and dragged his mask down.

"What are you doing?" He asked curiously. You pulled yours away and gave him a quick peck. You quickly replaced your mask and his. You watched Yohans eyes go into a smile. "You're so weird." He put his arms around your shoulders and hugged you close to his body.

"Let's go get pampered!" You cheered. You both walked into the salon. At the salon, you scanned yourself in and got your temperature checked.  Yohan and you sat down as instructed. The staff at the salon gave you a book on the type of facials available. Yohan looked confused after reading each description. He leaned his head against yours and let you make a decision. "Are you worried about anything?" You asked Yohan. He shook his head.

"You pick baby. I don't know anything."

"You trust me?" Your eyes took on an evil glint. "How about waxing? Hmm?" Yohan glared at you and you giggled. "Im just joking."

"You better be." He put his hand on the back of your neck and massaged it.

"Unnie!" You called out. You pointed out the facial you wanted and she brought both of you to the back.

"Y/N, you know the drill!" She winked at the both of you. Yohan looked at the beds confused. He took off his shoe and lied down. You giggled. Walking towards him, you leaned down and kissed him.

"This is not how you get ready." You said. You smacked his shoulder and grabbed his hand to drag him up.

"But it's a facial." He said. You put your arms around the bottom hem of your shirt and dragged it up to remove it. Yohans eyes bulged and he swiftly looked away. "Baby what are you?" He heard the rustling of clothes.

"You can turn back now." He did and noticed the bath towel wrap you were wearing.

"Um...did you remove your bra?" Yohan gulped.

"No, I just pulled the straps down." You grabbed the wrap from his bed and held it up for him. "Just remove your shirt and wear this." You shook it at him.

"Why? I can just remove the shirt?" He said as he removed it.

"No, I don't know who's doing your facial and they might get mesmerized by you." You pouted. Yohan laughed and put his arms around your waist, bringing your body closer to his.

"But I only care what you think." You leaned down to kiss him. He returned your kisses with a smile.

"Hey, guys you ready?" You heard the unnie's voice through the curtain. You detached yourself from Yohan and went to lie down on your bed. You signaled him to wear the wrap. He chuckled but complied.

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